
I took 2 Naproxen pills 500 mg both was that too much?

by  |  earlier

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I worked out extremely and now i can't walk or feel my thighs or butt because of the pain. So I took 2 pills. It said I was only suppose to take 1 but i'm in PAIN DAMMIT. Did i overdose? I'm 5'11 and 235 pounds.




  1. you can take 1500mg/day for 6 months, but you should use the lowest effective dose

  2. you will be fine just try and take what it says on the label next time but you will be fine just get some rest

  3. It's definately more than recommended but you should be fine.  Might upset your stomach a bit if anything at all.

    Just chill.  You'll be fine.

  4. No, My mom had taken as many as 22 Oxycoten in 14 hours and she still alive

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