
I took 3 completely different pregnancy test and they are all positive?

by  |  earlier

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I think I am about 6 weeks pregnant. I've been cramping a lot so I took yet another test 2 weeks later and now it says negative. I haven't been spotting or anything. Could this mean I lost the baby?




  1. The average pregnancy test cost about $5-10 and are not 100% accurate.  This could be stress-related.  I would start by making an appointment with your Primary care physician, general practitioner or an appropriate clinic just for confirmation.

    Running from A --> C without the B will cause only additional stress.

  2. u need to go to the doctor!! asap  

  3. You can get false negatives so possibly just the test isn't working correct.  On a different note you should go to doc and get a scan and bloodwork done, you could have wot is known as a missed miscarriage and this could be why the levels have gone down.  I had one at 12wks and had no m/c symptons at all, no cramps and no bleeding, this was only discovered at the 12wks scan

  4. maybe you should take another test. I have never heard of having a miscarriage without bleeding. If your next test comes out neg. You should get to the doctor to see if anything is wrong.

    Good Luck!!

  5. You should go to the doctor A.S.A.P. to make sure, I took like 5 pregnancy tests myself to make sure I was pregnant then 1 came back negative so I went to have a blood test done and came back I was..  

  6. Go to a doctor and get yourself checked.. Also get a blood test just to make sure.

  7. As long as you missed your period, and planning to get pregnant, why not to have an appointment, so to be sure that everything ok?

    I would suggest to go to the doc.

    Good luck!

  8. You took three test that were positive and then had a negative?   Why don't you go to the doctor to get a confirmation, because if you got three positives, you are probably pregnant.

    Don't freak out because you got a negative, there could have been many reasons why that showed up.  Maybe you did something wrong with the test.

  9. Since you have had 3 positive pregnancy tests and two negative, its time for you to see a doctor. Get checked out.

    Many women get concerned by cramping that they experience in early pregnancy. Some might worry that this is a sign that their pregnancy is not viable and that a miscarriage is on its way. Fortunately, more times than not, that isn’t the case.

    Cramping in early pregnancy is not only common but very normal. Some women might feel cramping as soon as seven days after they ovulate. If they are in fact pregnant, then this cramping is called implantation cramping and is the cramping that occurs when the egg attaches itself, or implants, to the uterus. It is not cramping that all women feel, and can be easily unnoticed.

    Some women start cramping shortly after they get a positive pregnancy test as their uterus starts preparing to carry a baby for nine months. The uterus is a big organ and as it grows in early pregnancy cramping is expected. If the cramping is constant or too intense for you to handle however it may not be “normal” and you should call your doctor if you feel you need to for reassurance.

    Another type of cramping you might feel in early pregnancy is called round ligament pain. This is cramping that occurs as the muscles under your uterus expand and grow in order to support the weight of your uterus and baby as it grows. This is probably the most complained about cramping in early pregnancy, and one most pregnant women will experience.

    Cramping in early pregnancy is usually nothing for a woman to get worried about. Actually you can be comforted by knowing that if minor cramping does occur, then your body is probably preparing as it should to sustain the pregnancy. Cramping can also continue into the second and third trimester as the uterus continues to grow and as the body prepares for labor. But if you ever feel that the cramping is not normal, be sure to call your doctor for advice.

  10. I wouldn't worry too much. It is very rare to get a false positive but a false negative is more common. I would forget about the last test you took and just go to the OB. Period type cramps are very common at 6 wks. I had them with all three of my pregnancies. It can last for about 8 wks or so.  

  11. Just go to your doctor and get a blood test done.

    If you're young and worried and can't have your parents knowing, go to a Planned Parenthood to get the blood test done.

  12. we wouldnt know but you need to go to the doctor  

  13. 3 positives, and 1 negative. No, im sure you are still pregnant. false negatives are common, false postives not so much.

    Even if you lost the baby, hcg would still be in your system for a bit and a preg test would show positve.

    I would go to the doctor and have blood work done up just to see whats happening. Cramping is normal in early pregnancy, and since you have not been bleeding, that is a good sign.

  14. you should go to the doctor ASAP if you got 3 +s and 1 negative. but it may just be the kind of test that you bought last. i strongly advise you to go to the doctor because if you did lose the baby you need to let your dr know because it can actually hurt you if your body does not pass the baby. good luck sweety

  15. go to the doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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