
I took 4000 Mg of Vitamin C, I need your Opinion, Help??

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I was told by a friend that if you can sleep at night, take 4000 mg of vitamin C with a full glass of water, and I had the best sleep of my life.

Has anyone tried this, and I want to hear your opion. Also, is that much vitamin C safe??




  1. I don't know if that works or not.  Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it is difficult to take too much (usually, your body can easily get rid of the excess).  However, 4000 mg is a lot --it won't kill you, but I definitely wouldn't want to do it on a regular basis.  The jury is still out on what levels are safe when it comes to high doses of vitamin C; to be on the safe side, I wouldn't rely on this method too often.

  2. That is between the border of healthiness and overdose. But vitimen C is good for you my only experience was with 2000% vitimen C and thats only 500mg so you had around 16000% of vitimen C.  Thats good for the immune system but thats just dangerous, try 2000mg and see how it works tonight.


  3. In general, vitamin C is water soluble. So that means you just eliminate out what your body can't use. 4000 mg is way more than your body needs at once, so it would be a waste of time to take that much all at once. It won't really hurt you though. As for it being a sleep aid, not so much. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and water all function in a delicate balance in your body. Superdoses of any one element without the presence of all is fairly useless. Skip this sleep aid idea and try cutting caffiene out of your diet instead. There is something to be said for the placebo effect though. If you believe something works, sometimes it does. But, it's all in your head!

  4. The vitamin C Foundation actually recommends 3,000 mg of vitamin C per day (3 times 1,000 mg) but most Health Authorities recommend a lot less.

    You should never take more than 1 gm (1,000 mg) of vitamin C in a single dose.

    Too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones and it also causes your body to absorb more iron.

    The late Dr Linus Pauling actually used to recommend 5 gm of vitamin C per day but he was obsessed with vitamin C.

    Vitamin C is water soluble and whatever your body doesn't need is simply eliminated every day.

  5. If it works for you, then you can keep doing so. You can't overdose from vitamin C. You can take as much as you want and the body will just take what it needs. Everything else will go to your urine. However, you can't do that with any vitamin, so be careful.

  6. are you trying to rip the lining of your stomach ?

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