
I took Plan B on May 1st and still haven't gotten my period is this normal?? or should i worry?

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I took Plan B on May 1st and still haven't gotten my period is this normal?? or should i worry?




  1. give it 2 more weeks before you begin to worry

    cal in for another appointment at the clinic

    it can take up to 10 weeks hun efore you do get it

  2. When were you do for your period?  It's been a month since you got your period so take a pregnancy test.  If you are at least a week late the test will most likely come up positive if you are pregnant.  Remember plan B is 89% effective not 100% effective.  My best friend got pregnant when she took Plan B( I was there when she bought it and took it) so I know it's definitely not 100%.

  3. I have taken Plan B twice in my life. The first time I got my period right on time as normal. The second time produced my now 8 year old daughter! The nurse at the clinic didn't believe me that I had taken Plan B 24 hours after s*x and I STILL ended up pregnant.

    Just remember that Plan B reduces the chance of pregnancy up to 89%. You still have that 11% chance.

    I would take a pregnancy test and rule that out first. Wait another 2 weeks and if no period shows up then go to your doctor.

    Good luck!

  4. i took planB and my period came about two weeks later. i also got mild cramps and nausea from planb and a week later my period came. I would not neccessarily say you should be worried about pregnancy, because if you are stressin it that can really delay your period. also planB can sometimes delay your period. but seeing as how it is june 6th and you took it a month ago i would definitely buy a pregnancy test.

  5. This depends on several factors.

    1. When was your LMP (last menstrual period)

    2. When did you engaged in unprotected s*x

    3. When after engaging in unprotected s*x did you take plan B.

    Those are some of the things a doctor will ask you when you go see on if you don't get your period this month

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