
I took a couple of puffs of weed will it show up on a drug test ?

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I have to take a drug test for a job ! and i have only tooken about 5-8 puffs of weed the past 2 months and was wondering if it will show up on the drug test ! last night i took a puff was about 2-3 weeks ago and the test is in a week ! help !




  1. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana works on a half life system:

    "One smoking session for someone with a clean system takes about 3-4 days to be clean. Smoke 2 days later and then have to wait about a week, and so on. The time it will take roughly doubles every time you smoke until it maxes at about 45 days to be clean. So if you are maxed out and you wait about 2 weeks and then smoke again, you're basically back to 45 days."

    "Most job drug tests only test down to about 100 nanograms, which isn't dead accurate but will pick up if you are a smoker obviously. Court-appointed tests can test anywhere down to 10-20 nanograms, which is very accurate"

    Basically, there is no way the 5-8 puffs 2 months ago will be detected, no matter what test it is, unless its some rare test like the hair test;then your in trouble. If you just took a puff 2-3 weeks ago, and you had a clean system, then it will not show up in either a job nor a court date. The THC in ONE puff will be urinated and cleaned out within just one week. Your pretty much set for the test. Just be careful and don't let your urges get in the way these next couple weeks.

    Hope I helped! =]

  2. Okay so heres some info you might or might not already know....

    Marijuana stays & is detectable in your system for roughly a month; most urine drug tests can pick up even traces of drugs.

    So yeah it will probably show up in a drug test unless it's been well over a month since you've had ANY drugs.

  3. Yea I'm pretty sure it would show up. You can buy drug test at Walgreens, I think its Walgreens, that will let you know if you would fail also I think there is stuff you can buy to help pass a test. I have never used them, but I have friends who have and they have worked. It all depends on what type of test they give you. Good luck and if you know your gonna have to take a drug test I would suggest staying away from weed :).....just in case.

  4. no problem even if you just smoked a blunt just now but here is what you do. You get a huge glass, don't eat because you don't want to fill up on food, just drink water, aim high like 20 glasses a day. Works. Another thing that works is 1 measured cup of pickle juice, hold your nose and chug it, comes clean the next day, even if you don't drink that much water but I heard a nonconfirmed rumor it doesn't work for males, but I got the advice from a male online. Works.

    Another thing that I understand a bag of poppy seeds...munch them away...there is an ingredient in poppy seeds that will actually give you a false positive but they will look for the active ingredient only found in poppy seeds ...That is the only one I can't vouch for, but I've been reading about it...and poppy seeds have a calming effect. So at least you won't have to worry.The other 2 definately worked. (Of course not me :P because I'm clean and the law is always right.) On the other hand,don't know about the hair test...but the ones at the hospital weren't hair tests. Good luck.

    Remember, do your homework before you smoke and don't drive high. Be resonsible.

  5. The drug test will test for a chemical called THC.  The test allows for a very small amount, which you could have acquired from a party, or being in someone else's car, etc.  You may have a level of THC that is slightly detected, but still pass the test.  I would be careful, though, dude.  You don't want to lose your job over a few puffs!

  6. you're fine. this week before you take your drug test, drink plenty of fluids, m********e, and stop smoking! drinking lots of fluids will make you pee a lot and get most of the weed out.  masterbating helps with that too.

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