
I took a depression screening test on a website and it came up severe!?

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16-20 meant severe and i got 18. if u read my other question you'll know. I'm scared to tell my mom cause I'm only 11. i lash out every minute and go all nice again! help before i go crazy. I'm starting to think about death too! and there are alot of large knives in my kitchen....




  1. It is true that some questionnaires could fit anyone if answered in certain ways. I mean, growing up is hard, ain't it so. Still, looking at the big picture, you definitely went to take the test for a reason in the first place. This ain't something to play around with. You need help now, and if you have no one you trust with what you are telling us, call the hotline of your choice: suicide, depression, or something!! Call someone you can trust even a bit. Me? I started by going to my local emergency room. GO NOW. They know how to care for you, and have social workers on-staff. PLEASE GET HELP.

  2. Dont listen to what an online test says, have they ever met you? NO, so dont be freaked out by your stupid score, but as for the knifes in the kitchen and death thing, TELL YOUR MOM, you will get no help otherwise, and things will get worse!

    If you tell your mom, she can get you professional help, and everything will be alright again, In the meantime, think off all the things you have done in your life to be proud of, and think of all the things that you will miss out on, if you keep feeling like this, trust me, it ruins your life, i have been through it myself. You have a lot to look forward too, so be rateful for what you have and GET HELP!

    good luck!

  3. You need to get your parents involved in order to get the help you need from professionals and medications. Tests on-line aren't going to make you well.

    Go to your parents talk to them calmly about how your feeling including the anger and thoughts of death.

    If you can't reach out to your parents successfully, when school starts go to your counselor at school.  They have a psychologist available at most schools and they can do some "real" testing on you for free.A counselor can approach your parents with the results and get you to a psychiatrist (Doctor of medication) or therapist(a professional who is equipped to listen to your feelings and problems) or both so that you can move your mind on to health.

    I have been there many times in my life I have severe depression, anxiety and bipolar. You will make it though this tough period and feel like yourself again.

  4. I took a depression screening test too and I think that I got severe or close to it.It would be best to see a doctor or have it checked out the next time that you go to the doctor.Suicide is not the answer.You'll only 11 and suicide should not be in the picture.Set down and talk to your mom about this.Maybe she doesn't understand it quite well.Just draw or express your feelings in art.Drawing will help you express your feelings in a more constructive and less destructive way.Pray to GOD about this.GOD can solve anything.Watch constructive television shows too.Play sports.Listen to good music like Switchfoot or Jon Foreman.They're awesome.Don't try to get stressed about things.Are you saved and have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?You should.GOD loves you and GOD cares about you.GOD does not want to see you do harm to yourself.Just relax.Pray to GOD about this so GOD BLESS you!

  5. Your emotions may also be a source of distraction. You try to concentrate on what you are reading or listening to, but you find yourself thinking about other things. You alternate between boredom and excitement, depression and elation. Well, relax! You are not going crazy. In all probability, it is simply a case of your hormones playing havoc with you. You are experiencing the changes of puberty.

    Kathy McCoy and Charles Wibbelsman write: “Feelings abound in the adolescent years . . . This moodiness is, to some extent, part of being an adolescent. Part of this has to do with the stress of all the changes you’re experiencing right now.” Furthermore, you are approaching “the bloom of youth”—the time when sexual desires are at their peak. (1 Corinthians 7:36)

    Eventually, the storm of emotions will settle down.

    Your growing body needs sufficient sleep to help you develop physically and to allow your brain to sort out the many new concepts and emotions you encounter daily. However, many teens keep a schedule that affords them little time for sleep. A neurologist comments: “The organism will not forget the hours of sleep that a person owes it. On the contrary, it will always remember and will suddenly present a bill that can be translated into lapses of memory, concentration problems, and slow thinking ability.”

    Talk to your parents, let them know how you feel.

    Your parents know you and we don't. They also have been young and understand what it feels like. They can help you. You can also talk to your grand mother,  A teacher, or some other older person who you are close to, A parent should be your first pick.

  6. i wouldn't worry! i took a test like that and it said i was mad too, but i know i'm not. The test could be wrong so don't believe you are crazy just because of a random test! And even if you were mentally disturbed you wouldn't be able to admit it, so your probably fine. Lashing out might not be a sign of bipolar disorder but maybe you need a little more self control and discipline. As for the death thoughts, thats normal! i bet at least 70% of teens and pre-teens have been through a phase a depression and suicidle thoughts. So don't worry about the test! and if you do think you need a bit of help see a school councilor - don't waste your money on a shrink when you probably don't need it.

  7. please go to see a psychologist  

  8. i just took a different one and got extreme depression haha but im fine

    i dont think you should trust some random internet quiz


  9. you should go to your doctors just incase but i wouldnt really trust the computer like i done that the other day and i got 50 i mean that just takes the mick a bit lol

    oh and i done schizophrenia that was 54+ and i got 80 lol .

    well i soon find out it they tell the truth when i next go to see my phychiatrist.

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