
I took a depression test online....

by  |  earlier

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and im only 13 and it says my depression is severe.

i do think about death i do want to die i don't cut myself b/c i don't have the guts to do it i dont hurt myself but i want to die everything is going down hill from here no friends lack of family support i barely talk i barely can get a talk that last 10 min. i am a dissappointment to my family and *accident* to my parents i don't want to be in this world no more i want to be with god i pray that he takes me away my older brother had problems he goes to the doctor or counsler and then he said he wanted to die they sent him into the hospital when i was 9 he had classes there and now he is fine i know about death now i know what will happen b/c of that i am thinking about death since i moved my life has been h**l my parents always yell at me i don't want them to die i want me to die but when im 30 or 40 they will be gone i did the math they will be 80 or 90 i try to hold my breath as long as i can maybe i could die that way but i dont have the guts to do it i pray to die im not emo or anything im just a normal girl with no friends lack of family support the only good thing that happened so far is that i got a dog he has made me happy but school is h**l im sad that im a dissappointment to my parents why can't i turn out like my older sister? smart beautiful and caring all i am is ugly skinny

i bottle alot of things up inside of me holding things back nobody knows well nobody in my family knows im sad and want to die.

what should i do? why won't god take me away with him.




  1. Does the test you took specifically cater to young teens? If not, it could be very very wrong.

    You are at a time in your life right now that you feel you are alone. No matter what. Family doesn't understand, and you don't have many friends. No matter what you are and what you have, I predict you will be unhappy for awhile.

    You believe in God, I see. That will keep you from suicide, since if you take your own life, you won't be seeing him.

    Life sucks at 13. I'm willing to bet that your *perfect* sister felt the same way when she was there, and just may not be willing to admit it. I'm also willing to bet that your brother is NOT fine now, he just doesn't want to deal with the consequences of telling someone he is unhappy. Who wants to be shipped away?

    Your parents should take a more hands-on approach. Sending off your kids to get therapy is nowhere near as helpful as letting them know that you sympathize, and know how they feel.

    Just to give you an idea of how people perceive things differently, I envy you. I wish I was skinny. And I'm not even overweight.


  3. If I were you, I would find a way to let out my sadness, anger, and frustration, I do it through music. I would probably talk to a school counsler or even a principal and maybe along with them you can change schools or classrooms to be happier. I am very sorry about your home life, and I would try to make it as best as possible, press on, and keep on the sunny side. Many people who have done great things in this world came from "bad" families, which is why they're so great. I would turn my misfortunes into blessings by taking my bad experiences and accept them to help make me stronger. God isn't taking you yet because he wants to keep you here. You still have a purpose in life, and I think deep down you recognise that, or you wouldn't have taken a test online or even posted this. Try to count your blessings, and don't EVER think about hurting yourself.

    All my luck to you. :)

  4. If you cannot talk to your parents, please talk to a teacher, or a school counselor....or even a family member and tell them how you feel.  You need counseling and perhaps medication.  I really do hope you will get the help you need and feel better, good luck :)

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