
I took a diet pill this morning, is it safe to drink alcohol 13 hours later?

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Im heading out to a club soon and was just wondering if it was safe to do so. Before today i was taking it regularly 2 times a day. The diet pill is Fentraphen.




  1. Now whenever it comes to weight loss you should follow these simple steps that have helped me tremendously lose weight, pretty quickly if you ask me.  And I've been trying to lose weight forever and finally found the correct system to help me out...

    The first thing you need to do is about 30 minutes of cardio everyday,  try to get at least 3-4 days of that people...Exercising is one very important issue you don't want to be lazy in.

    The second thing you should realize is that you cannot eat everything in sight that probably got you looking the way you are right now or the reason you want to lose weight.  The pounds come with the food you eat.  How do you stop yourself from eating and get a little boost with ousting fat from the food you eat?  Simple...

    The third and final step is the correct natural weight loss supplement.  For me,  I found Proactol to be the best.  Now this isn't aimed towards lazy people that want to take a pill and sit on the couch all night and day.  These are to tremendously help out with dieting and exercising.  For me they were great because with my diet,  they basically take out up to 28% of the fat you intake.  Not to mention the killer appetite suppressant Proactol is.  Every day you will fall under your calorie intake and find yourself one more day closer to your goal.

    These steps really worked for me,  you should try them out for yourself even if you want to lose very little or that extra mile.  Also at the time of my 3 month supply purchase of Proactol,  I saved a lot of money on it at

    Good luck and I hope this helps you out for your weight loss goals.

  2. I would read the bottle and see what the bottle says. If it says not to use alcohol when using the product then i wouldn't drink, but if there isn't a warning about alcohol use with the product then i don't see what's wrong with going out and drinking while using it.

  3. Yeah, your fine.  Go ahead and drink.  The "drug" is not really a drug, it's a food supplement.  It just has some stimulants to boost your metabolism.  They won't interact.  You ever drink Red Bull with alcohol?  It would be close to the same thing.

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