
I took a dump earlier and then first thing i know blood dripping out of my butt, what is? is it a disease?

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I took a dump earlier and then first thing i know blood dripping out of my butt, what is? is it a disease?




  1. most likely its a hemorrhoid or a fissure. A fissure is a tear in the r****m that can be quite painful. These usually heal on their own. If it doesnt, sometimes it requires surgery. A hemorrhoid is essentially a vein inside the r****m that has bulged out. They're caused by excessive pressure and straining when trying to use the bathroom. Think of it like a blow it up, and when you let the air out, its all stretched out and wont go back to the shape it was before. They have a tendency to bleed and hurt as well. If it causes you enough pain, you can go to the doctor and they can remove them. Either way, both are very common, alot of people have them. I would go to the doctor though and get it checked out though, just to be safe.  

  2. you must c**p very hard

  3. you probably ate some chips and when they came out it cut open you skin. lol Or maybe you poopie was way too big for your f**t hole? I hope It isn't a disease. Feel better.

  4. you might have that disease when you eat to many things like  pepper and stuff wich its like stone in your but haha no offense that happened to me im mean not the disease but blood from my butt but it was a little and i had to wipe to see it it wasnt drippin

  5. Probably a hemorrhoid or a fissure(tear of the r****m.)

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