
I took a photo with my digital camera. the size of each photo is 200 KB. hence it is taking a very long time

by  |  earlier

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to download when i want to share my photos with someone. but photos taken in my friends camera in only around 2.3 MB's so its faster to download. can i reduce the size of my photo by any means. why is it only for my photo that its occupying such a large place. please help




  1. The problem is with your camera, not the computer or so.I think u didn't mention your camera details (company or model no.), so that the problem can be sorted to an plz mention the above details and wait for someone like me to sort your problem out.ok bye

  2. I'm not positive, but this is what I think you do. You have to access the menu on the camera itself. If you set your camera on 1MB, the flash card can hold 500 pictures. If you set your camera on 2 MB, the flash card can hold 300 pictures. If you set your camera on 4 MB, the flash card can hold 100 pictures. That's a generalization. I think your camera is set on the highest setting. It is using the max pixels per picture. You need to set it on the lowest setting or next lowest setting. On my camera, doing that also increases the digital zoom. Get to flipping through the menu (without s******g anything up.) It should be easy to find.

  3. Your question is confusing. Your photos (200kb) are only very small in size and your friend's photos (2.3MB) are much larger. There are approximately 2,300kb in, why would you want to reduce such a low resolution image?

    You should always shoot in the best quality available, and then resize/reduce a copy of the original.

    and 200kb is not a large file's small.

  4. You can resize your photos by using ACDsee. I'm using ACDsee Pro and it's very easy to use. You can try this one....

  5. depending on the camera, you can reduce the size of the photo before you upload onto the computer.

    but if you can't, you can reduce the size of the photo once it's downloaded onto the computer by using one of the following programs: iPhoto (comes with macs), Adobe Photoshop, Paint, etc.

    If that doesn't help, let me know what type of camera it is, and what programs you have on your computer.

    [i'm a computer nerd, and a photography major and technology is my minor]

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