
I took a preg test but i did not lay it flat out and put cap on....will that affect the outcome? ?

by  |  earlier

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also i did not ACTUALLY have s*x however, s***n did get close to my opening it possible that im pregnant even tho the test said negative? I didnt lay it flat out with the cap on...what should i do!?




  1. just take one again and just lay it down, and follow the instructions on the box

  2. No your probably not pregnant. The cap and laying it flat doesnt change the outcome of the test.

  3. Depends on when you had s*x, there is a small chance, but if it's been long enough ago you had s*x (4-6 weeks) and the test is negative, you should be fine. The cap being off and crooked test won't make a difference.

  4. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have 3 kids and have taken many tests. If you were pregnant the test would be positive no matter where you set it, cap on, cap off. It wouldn't matter.  You do know that a test might not be accurate if you take it too early, right? You should wait at least two weeks after s*x or a couple days after your first missed period.

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