
I took a preliminary ASVAB at a recruiter's office and got a 76. Is that a good score?

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Tomorrow morning I take the real thing.




  1. Any job you want with that score, specially since you score higher than the prelim asvab, congrats :D

  2. It's usually a good indicator how well you'll do however, many applicant's who've taken the EST or CAST (what u took) scored in the plus/minus 20 points.  Generally, the score itself only helps you qualify for the College Fund and/or large bonus money as well as shorter tours.  

    The jobs themselves are offered by assessing the combination of your QT score (overall score) and a particular "line score" or subcatagory which houses specific oriented occupations from electronics to logistics.

    Don't get too excited about a score in the 80s because it's more than common to score high overall and to lose to an insufficient line score or vacancy in the field.  

    Scores over 50 are considered quality and get the most attention at recruiting stations/MEPs.  It's not that below 50 doesn't matter, it's just the higher the score, you're able to suffice your recruiter's mission--big time.  

    If you were able to see your strengths/weaknesses on the pre-test, take a little time tomorrow to reenforce the areas you're not so strong in.  

    So, if you score around a 76, you can feel good about yourself but be aware of the limitations of line scores and job well as program incentives for QTs over 50.  Good Luck.

    To your followup question:

    What kind of job in the Navy would I qualify for?

    Nobody can tell u what job vacancies there are or what your line scores will be that enable these job to be offered in the first place.  The accepted answers seem to be the higher the more critical, and more difficult the course study is likely to be.  Think nuclear, intelligence or medical.

  3. depends on what type of job you want.  Just because you score high or low doesn't mean you have your pick at anything you want.  They will give you your options at what they think you'd be best suited for.  It's pretty much your SAT for the military.  After all it is your Armed Services VOCATIONAL Aptitude Battery.  Your test is comprised (or used to be) of math, reading, mechanics, science, etc.  They take your core scores and match them to specific job codes (I forgot the terminology for now).  What part did you score high in?  Granted you're going to be a recruit and not an officer.  

  4. h**l Yeah it's good!

    Each Branch havee different standars, but most require a 35 or higher to enlist. Some recruiters even say you usually score 10-15 points higher on the actual test.

    If you score that on the actual ASVAB you will have a **** load of different job options.

  5. Your overall score isn't what qualifies you for MOS's... Those would be your line scores... A 76 is a pretty good overall score, but the MEPS career counselor bases your job options off of what you score on each section, not your overall.

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