
I took ibuprofen after a little bit of alcohol. Will I be ok?

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Yesterday i took two ibuprofen after drinking a little alcohol. I woke up and i threw up a little, and there was a tiny pinch of blood in there, very little. But i am nervous that it caused bleeding so im going to the doctor. That was my first time, will I be ok as long as I never do it again?




  1. You'll be fine.  

    I'd have to be in tears after applying ice or heat before I'd take 1 ibuprofen and I don't drink alcohol at all.

  2. I agree that simply taking an ibuprofen and alcohol together wouldn't necessarily cause any bleeding.

    However, if you don't drink or take ibuprofen regularly, it sounds like you may have had a small ulcer already, aggravated by the alcohol. The fact that you vomited "a little" means that you were either hung over, or the stomach irritation was enough to induce nausea.

    It's extremely rare for someone to be so sensitive to NSAIDs like ibuprofen that a single use (even with a night of drinking) would cause upper GI bleeding. Make sure that you talk to your doctor about your alcohol habits as well as how you use any over-the-counter pain relievers, not just ibuprofen.

  3. I doubt the ibuprofen and the alcohol mixed caused the throwing up or the blood.  I'm sure you're fine.....maybe just ease up on the DRINKING!

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