
I took my eggbound lovebird to the vet they gave her an injection?

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They told me she has a 50/50 chance and to keep putting her in a steamy bathroom. I also have a heating pad under her cage. What else can I do to save my bird




  1. No heat pad.

    She needs the warm moisture, Not dry heat.

    If you can, take her in the cage to the bathroom and run the hot water in the shower and close the door so all the moist steam fills the room.

    Might remove perch's and lay a soft, clean towel on the bottom grate for her to lay on if she act's uncomfortable.

    Provide her drinking water too.

    Try to stay with her or close enough to check on her often.

    Stay calm, birds pick up on our emotions and you want her relaxed as much as she possible can be.

    DO NOT touch her above her vent area, you could break the egg inside her which could cause her death.

    Handle her only if you must, other wise leave her alone while you talk calmly to her so she knows you are there and care.

    Might hard boil and egg, leave the shell on.

    Cool and chop fine or grate and mash the shell and offer her some. Calcium is needed in our birds to form the shell, hopefully your vet did a blood test and she has enough.

    Good Luck and do stay calm for her sake.

  2. I would get a warm mist humidifier and put in her room. Want her area as humid as possible as it may help. Also do not handle her much. I have tried taking a 1cc syringe and filling to 1/2 cc and put tip slightly in her vent and release the mineral oil. Would help lubricate her and pass egg. If not comfortable with this then just keep her warm, (no heat pad though) moist heat, put food where she can reach it. Get some ground up oyster shell at petstore and put on her food. keep her water close also as the more hydrated she is the better. Let her know you are there with her from time to time. But quite is the best and relaxed area is best for her now. Good luck

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