
I took my parents car and I am so nervous. Please help calm me down!!

by  |  earlier

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I was joking around with my cousin and i was going to show her i can drive. I took my mom's keys and i turned it on. Then when i put it on reverse, i was accidentally holding down the gas pedal (I thought I was on the brake). I went back into the street (luckily i didn't crash or get hurt) but now there is a tiny mark on my curb. It is kinda black but i don't ever know if my dad will notice it or not. My cousin parked it and now everything is fine. But i feel so bad and scared now that my cousin teases me like she will tell my parents and also i am scared for when it comes for the time when i really have to learn to drive. I am so scared or cars now. I have even thought for a second in the bathroom-I don't care if i died like that- and that is scaring the heck outta me.

Can someone please calm me down and share some advice, because i dont think i can talk to anyone in my life.




  1. Just tell them what you did and learn from this because the next time you might not be so lucky.........

  2. Calm down!!  Thankfully no one or yourself was hurt.  What happened was a lack of judgment and peer pressure.  What you should do is confess to your parents...tell them you were irresponsible and you want to confess.  Trust me you'll feel better to get it off your chest.  Take your punishment and learn from it.  

  3. what you did was wrong and a huge mistake. You could of had a really bad accident. Just learn from it and dont do it again, until you are old enought to drive and you have a adult to teach you. I am glad you are ok but dont do it again  

  4. your parents already know you better than we do. you should have done more thinking and less driving. owe up to it they will find out anyway<

  5. stop before you kill anybody. if you want to learn how to drive go to driving school and get your permit and then take the road test. don't drive at your own risk.

  6. First of all, how old are you? If you dont have a license DONT DO IT, the consequences outweigh they benefits. Wait until you actually know what your doing. It depends, if you feel your parents are relaxed tell them what happened. Or lie and say a car was turning around in our driveway.

  7. "My advice is to start drinking heavily."

    -John Belushi

  8. this was a really REALLY bad idea. But I think youve figured that out already.

    Um...I would just stay quiet. Is there damage to the car itself? If there is than might want to be honest and admit what youve done. if its just the curb thats scuffled up then dont say anything and remember this situation before you do something stupid again.

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