
I took off my wedding rings in my sleep??

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I just got married at the end of July..The other night i took off my wedding rings in my sleep and handed them to my husband..I dont remember any of this and it is really upsetting.Does anyone know what this might mean??




  1. It means you wanna let go of ur marital status in literal terms. But it doesnt have to mean thats what you want in real life. We dream all sorts. Look at it this way, it could also mean you wanna hand yourself over to ur husband...there could be alot of ways to look at it.

  2. It could be a sign that you wanna get a divorce is either that or its just normal sleep walking or sleep eating as well as sleep talking is mostly normal however your spouse or other near you might not notice it because your eyes might be wide open. During things while sleep walking could mean that what might happen later on the future could come true and come with a huge surprise.

    Just the other day my sister told me that i was sleep walking and talking about a second cat in the house meaning that i already have a cat and started to argue with my family and have no memory whats so ever.

    Its normal to sleep walk for children but for adults it could be half normal unless your married or living with relatives or spouse. It could mean trouble later on the relationship with anyone and that relationship could either be heart breaking or good in the later future.

    Sleep walking is very common among everyone but i suggest you start strapping yourself on you bed or see a sleep doctor which can determine if you have a sleep walking disorder problem which i forgot what its called.

    If your sleeping with someone on bed make sure he knows that you sleep walk because it could come to a shock if that person doesn't know that you sleep walk.

    Like other here said your unconscious part of your brain which mean your sleep is telling you something important which means your aren't ready to go to the next level and it problem seems that you rush through a relationship.

    Usually when i get mad about something i sleep walk and start causing problems with no memory what so ever and i have to say it its pretty embarrassing and i sometimes wish that i didn't show my face. The only thing to choose is either except and give explanation or  dont give any explanation at all and tell them what you really feel.

    Your sleep part of your brain is telling you something and that is either your not ready or afraid or you want a divorce which your Unconscious part of your brain is telling you.

    I know how you feel i feel that same way when you sleep walking when somebody says you gave me this and you say "huh i didnt gave it to do and i dont remember" its a reactions you get when feeling surprise and embarrassed.

    The best way to do it is to be honest or just give him an explanation because its not your fault its nobodies fault the best way to do it is to relax and either see a sleep doctor or strap yourself on the bed.

    Good luck and God bless.

  3. its okay geez  u people are so sensitive

  4. First off, congrats on your wedding! Second, it probably means you weren't ready, but it doesn't mean you want what you both have to be over. Things were probably rushed, and deep down inside knows it was just too soon.  

  5. Your subconscious is telling you something. You were not ready to get marry yet, or felt pressure to do so or you are not in love with this person.  

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