
I took provera and still have not had a period, how long should it take?

by  |  earlier

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I am taking provera to get a period so that I can take clomid. I took provera for 10 days and it has been 7 days since I took the last pill. I am really worried, how long should it take to get a period? Should I be worried? Also, has anyone taking clomid and provera and got preg? Thanks for the info!




  1. When I took Provera to bring on a period the doctro said that it would take anywhere from 7-10 days for my period to come. You still have a few days. If you don't see anything by day 10 or 11 it might be a good idea to call your doctor and see hwat they suggest. I also took several rounds of Clomid with the Provera and have not come up pregnant yet. But it works differently with everyone. I was however able to stop taking the Provera because it got my cycle back on track. now I seem to be having a normal period on my own. Good luck!

  2. I took provera and got my period 5 days later, so far it has lated for 5 days and i started clomid today round 1. hopefully this is our month. The insert on the provera does say 7-10 days i believe tho

  3. I used to work for a gynaecologist who specialised in fertility treatment and it can take a while to get a period with provera but if after a month you haven't had one, then definitely go back to your consultant.  Also, I've seen plenty of patients get pregnant using clomid and if it doesn't work then there are plenty of other options for treatment so don't give up and don't worry, you'll get there eventually.

    Good luck

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