
I took some photos inside an old building?

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the building was built during the Napoleonic wars so its around 200 yrs anyway when i looked at the pictures later on .there is , on some of them small circular spheres of light , they look like they are just floating around in the air, maybe 2 - 4 on each photo. what could they be, (they are sort of transparent) ps it a very eerie building




  1. one they are called orbs. did you use a digital camera if you did they might just be dust clumps

  2. Might have been lens flare - you know, when light reflecting off the camera lens creates little orbs that change position depending on the orientation of the camera - artificial lens flare can be seen in many video games and in some movies (as well as real lens flare too!)

  3. give me a link so i can see what they look like. then i can decide.i need proof.

  4. i am a spirit helper, i can help, but i need the pictures.

  5. can u show us the photos so that it will be easier to judge it

  6. "orbs" are a relection of light off of dust particles close to the camera lens.  They can happen in old, creepy buildings and they can happen in brand new houses.  They can happen in cemetaries and mall parking lots.

  7. I had the same thing happen when I was in the Opera Garnier in Paris (the phantom of the opera's lair....hehe). I don't know if they're real orbs or not, but it would be pretty cool if they were.

  8. Can you link to them so we can see?

  9. when did u last visit your eye doctor ?

  10. i had the same thing happen at Stonehenge  - it was dark - we came to the conclusion that it was a combination of dust and minerals in the stones that reflected the light from the flash

  11. those are caused by dust, or other small particles floating in the air. They get close to the lens and thats how they show up.

    You generally wont see them if you dont use the flash.

    If you have an SLR camera, get a lens hood for your camera. The lens hood is designed to provide shade on the lens to eliminate sun glare or stray light reflections. The lens hood will also keep the dust from being illuminated by the flash or other sources of light.

    This solution would not work if it were a real ghost or energy blob floating around. However, I have never in my life gotten an "ORB" with a hood on.

  12. Give us a link, and let us decide!!

  13. well maybe it's ghosts you caught on pictures, or something else

    go to

  14. I totally agree with dust from the description you have given.

    If it were an Orb it would emit it's own light and be far from transparent.

    Having a link to the picture would be good though as all we can do on the information you have given us is surmise.

  15. blind guess -- Dust

  16. I suggest you do research on the building and send the pictures to a paranormal expert to review.

  17. Probably just motes of dust, close to your camera lens,  reflecting your camera's flash.  Fortean Times has printed a few articles about this over the last year or so.

  18. how the h**l do i know if you don't show us the pics

  19. You know they could be orbs, in other words ghosts because the building is so old many events could have taken place in that building eg. killings, deaths. My sister lives in a somewhat haunted house and many times when we take pictures and record videos you can see orbs!

  20. They are called orbs and are to do with dust when you take the pic.

    But I suppose you would rather hear that they are dead people or some other twaddle.

  21. just sun glare

  22. I had the same thing happen in Charleston, SC. It was in a really old building at night so it wasn't a sun glare. I don't know what it is exactly. It isn't a defect in the lense, because then it would be there every time. It could be a random accumulation of dust or water vapor that refracted the light, but I'd rather think it was a ghost.

  23. I have seen a few pics with orbs in them too. I think people are quite split about what they are or what they mean. The website below has some cool vids on ghosts pics. You might want to check them out.

  24. Could  just be sunlight reflections but try posting a picture.

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