
I took some pictures and some came out blurry?

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how do i take blurriness out of a picture




  1. It depends. Was the subject blurry because it was out of focus or because of motion blur.

    If it is the latter, then one solution is two increase shutter speed and compensate with a wider aperture. If you are stuck with a slow shutter speed because of poor lighting, and you haven't had the foresight to pack really fast film, such as 1600 ASA, you can use a flash or "push" the film by letting the camera think it's using faster film than it actually is.

    If you don't process your own film, be sure to tell the person who will be developing the film that it has been pushed

    If you think YOU might be shaking while taking pictures try finding some way to brace the camera, either with a tripod or monopod, or a wall, fence, etc.

    Hope this helps.

  2. In addition to photoace's points, you could use a tripod.

  3. While you cannot take blurriness out of your pictures ... sort of like trying to take the egg out of a baked cake ... (once it is added to the mix, that's it)  what you can do is assure that you do not get blurry photos again.

    When shooting using the telephoto setting on your camera, you must make sure that the shutter speed is fast enough to preclude camera movement.  The same precaution must be made when shooting in low light (indoors) without a flash.

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