
I took the HD plunge and have some make that a lot of questions?

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I bought a samsung (ln46a650) HD TV...yesterday. I'ts not here yet, but i bought this monster 700 hdmi capable to go with here's all the questions....1. Is this a good tv? 2. Is this a good cable for the hd box to the tv? 3. How do you set this tv up, are the settings hard? 4. What blue ray hd player do i get, theres so many problems with them i hear, should i just wait? 5. I was thinking of the monster 1000 hdmi for the blue ray player to the tv, (whenever i get one) good choice? I used to be really up on this stuff, but since i retired i think" i'm a quart low" on electro savy ......thank you all for your help




  1. The 650 samsung series are very capable LCD televisions.  I consider samsung to be the premier maker of LCD televisions and they only have one model higher which is the 750.  As far as cabling issues monster cables do have some advantages over the other brands, nothing all that noticeable but nice to have none the less.  Concerning settings, the basic set up of any TV is a relatively easy process, however if you want to greatly increase the performance of your TV while lowering it's overall power usage I would highly recommend having an ISF certified calibrater, claibrate your TV.  They have access codes to adjust details that you can not.  This service should be available at your local electronics retailer.  As far as blu-ray is concerned many of the issues have been worked out, brandwise I would go for the panasonic player.  It tends to outperform many others in it's price range.  I really don't think that an upgrade of cables is necessary for the blu-ray player, a lower series monster cable will give you all the picture quality you need for a 1080p movie.

  2. Forget the overpriced Monster HDMI cables - all you need is any v1.3 HDMI cable and it will be fine (I wonder what the profit margin is on those things as hard as they push them... they tried to push one on me too).  Consider an upconvert DVD player and waiting on Blu Ray player prices to fall to where they should be - there's no reason they should be over $250 - and I'm being generous.  Upconverted dvds look just as good as BRD.

  3. exellent tv choice. monster cable was not  necessary. it depends on the price and the size of the cable but i wouldnt pay more then $50 for a 6ft hdmi cable from any brand but most people think that they get the most quality from it but it has been proven to show no difference from a cheper cable vs. a $300 cable that says it can automatically repair video problems. and to set a tv up is easy most of the preset video settings are good but that depends on where you have the tv set up.  and i would reccomend the sony blu-ray player.

    and if you choose to get a home theater this would be the best choice.

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