
I took the abortion pill, yet I'm not bleeding. Why could this be?

by  |  earlier

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I took Mifepristone on Monday. Two days later on Wednesday I took 2 Misoprostol at 8, and 2 more at 10. It is now 7 in the morning on Thursday, and I'm still not bleeding, why could this be?

&& If you have a problem with me putting this question in the pregnancy section, tell me where I am suppose to put it, because believe me I looked for a different place.




  1. an abortion pill..u know that is so wrong of you to kill  a poor innocent baby that could of been so special to this could do such  a thing

  2. Contact the clinic where you got the pill from.  You may need to have a D&C, but they'll probably have you come in and do an ultrasound to make sure the pill worked.

  3. Your asking people online about your abortion? I mean , yeh , i think you should recieve all the medical advice you need, and i have NO issue with it , and if i did , none of my beeswax neway, but really.... ever heard of discretion? Anyway , i dont know a lot about this medicine, and i dont think you should be taking advice on this from poeple with 'experience' , i think the best idea would be to go to your GP , if u really dont wanna do that , call the clostest family planning clinic for advice... Good luck hun.

    And ignore those people calling you a murderer , they dont know how old u r , or your situation , neither do i , i am against abortion in general , but im not here to judge. I do think you should take more responsibility and it IS a serious matter , but this question is not related to my opinion on abortion , so it doesnt matter. I myself am a young mother, but i can only guess u r stressed enough as it is , so put them out of your mind , plus , i think u kinda knew u would get a reaction for posting this .

    Anyway , go see ur Dr asap to get the best advice.

  4. Go back to the clinic ASAP. Internal bleeding and sepsis are very common in cases when the pill doesn't cause bleeding.  

  5. an abortion pill???? ='( it was ur choice i guess....but still...wrong ='(

    but try to move around mroe than what you just needs to be loosened up

  6. I'm not sure - I'm not a doctor but you should get in touch with your GP or the clinic your were prescribed the pills from.  Obviously you don't want to continue with the pregnancy and that's your decision to make -but now you have to make sure the abortion process completes as there may be complications for you and the baby if the pregnancy carries on.

    Ignore the people on here with their awful comments.  Better you abort an unwanted pregnancy early with the pill than wait for months and end it then.  And even more so - end an unwanted pregnancy - rather than bring up a child with resentment.

    It was your decision to make and I hope things work out for you.

  7. well, they aren't 100%

    if you didn't take it the next morning after you had unprotected s*x, your chances of it working drops significantly.

    hence the term, "morning after"

  8. They may not be working. I have read they are not 100% effective. You should call the Dr. or Clinic that prescribed them. They'll know what to do.

  9. I don't feel sorry for people like you. Such a shame that you don't value human life.

  10. You need to tell who ever prescribed it to you. If you did not get a prescription then you got fake pills.

  11. I would suggest going to the doctor to have them do an ultrasound.  My friend did that and never started bleeding, her body was not able to abort the pregnancy using that medicine so the doctor had to do a DNC.  I am 15 weeks pregnant by the way, its freedom of speech so ignore anyone that has a problem with you posting this here......they need to get a life!  No one knows what you are going through and why you made the choice you did.  Good luck and I hope all goes well!  

  12. I'd put it where the sun don't shine.....

    Geez, they make it so simple all you have to do is take a pill?

    I think it should be painful.

    Anyway, maybe it didn't work? Maybe you should call your hack of a doctor that kills babies?  

  13. Maybe it is just not supposed to be.

  14. where did you get the pills from? If it hasn't worked within 72 hours you should ring them back as that type of abortion has not worked for you and you will have to have a different type. Did you go to the abortion clinic for them as they do it differently you take one in the morning then go back and have 4 tablets put into your v****a and that breaks down the womb wall to allow you to miscarry.

  15. you should call the clinic you got the pills from. But I do believe you should have started bleeding almost immediately

  16. I hope you get the same treatment the baby got!

  17. you should probably check with the doc. did they give instructions? maybe google how long it takes

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