
I took the train recently into the city,why does no one talk to each other?

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I took the train recently into the city,why does no one talk to each other?




  1. they are busy, got places to go, places to be. =]

  2. because most people on trains into cities are commuters who go like 2+ times a day so they just want to get there in peace

    personally if i was on a train and people started talking to me id b a bit pissed off

  3. You will have to tell us which city----maybe you were with a bunch of commuters going to their jobs in New York or Chicago.

    A trainload of tourists is more fun.

  4. Some people just feel uncomfortable taking the initiative. You could try making idle conversation and see how people respond. It is amazing how some people will open up if given a chance. Or you ask a question that anyone would be able to answer and others feel compelled to jump into the conversation, just like here on YA.

  5. I have been on many trains and most people just talk on their cellphone non-stop, listening to their music on mp3, I-pod. Some play games on their Nintendo DSL, or Game Boy. Some people eat and drink, some people read books or study.

    They're always busy during the stuff.

    Only tourists talk lot, well as Chinese and Korean speakers.

    Some family talks.

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