
I took these white pills that taste REALLY bitter and I don't know what they were. What could it have been?

by  |  earlier

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It was about the size of a regular altoids mint and it had the number 152 on it (or 142, can't remember)

I felt really calm and had sort of a buzz going on for like an hour while feeling sleepy and then the effect was gone.




  1. Hey sup . yeah, as everyone else is saying . you should know in advance of what your taking . But if it gave you a buzz feeling and making you calm. it was most likely a party pill ( pinga ) Depending on how you act after taking them they're effect will vary . after taking it if your active it will make you energetic and will make you want to move all the time . if you take it and chill out, it will make you fatigue and less energetic .

  2. you could have died . try thinking like an adult next time. and find out first.

    then at the very least you could make an informed decision.



  3. Wow, you were lucky that you didn't do my damage. You should never take pills of any sort that are not for an ailment you don't have. You can take any pills to a druggist to have them checked.If these meds were out-dated they could be very dangerous, you never know what they might do to you. Think before you leap!!

  4. was it this?

  5. why would you take pills that you dont have a script for?

  6. I'm not knocking you for taking some pills, I used to do that too...but I knew what I was taking.  You're an idiot if you take pills and have no idea what they were.

  7. Well it was either a blood-pressure pill (clonidine) or it was some really sh*t like instant-release oxycodone, which is a pretty good painkiller and very hard to get.  

    Probably the second one, since it was so bitter, but who knows.  

    If you don't know what you're taking, don't take it - it makes you look like an amateur.

  8. I think they were g*y pills.  Be careful.  You may start liking men.

  9. Yeah, that probably wasn't a very smart move...

  10. 152 - It was a form of birth control.  Watch out, you will start to grow b***s now.

    142 - It was a blood pressure pill.  Go take a few more to help clean up the gene pool.

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