
I took to many ibuprofen, 50 to be exact.?

by  |  earlier

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please dont tell me how stuiped i am,

just tell me what i should do.

im 14, 140 pounds, 5'7.





  1. if you really took 50 at the same time, you need to go to the emergency room. your liver can not absorb that many at a time

  2. Are you trying to kill yourself? Please don't take that many pills, just throw it up.

  3. Call 911 QUICK!

  4. call 911 now!

  5. Sorry, but I will still have to tell you how stupid you are.

    Even if no-one else will.

  6. Stick your fingers down your throat and puke it up or call 911 because you'll need your stomach pumped when you pass out.

    Can someone get this girl some help?

  7. Call 1-800-222-1222 RIGHT NOW! That's Poison Control.

  8. get someone to take you to the hospital. You may need your stomach pumped.

    If you will not tell someone to help you then get a gallon of milk and chug it down. That should make you puke......You need to puke your guts out to get it out of your system........

    Something about the milk mixing with the pills has a reaction to make you vomit.....

    I hope you realize how scary and real this is and if you end up ok. I hope you never do this again.....

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