
I totally have the gayness?

by  |  earlier

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I'm g*y and I'm 'out' about it, but as far as I'm concerned, unless it actaully has something to do with what I'm doing, it's NONE OF ANYONE'S BUSINESS. Ex - if I work for a company that offeres domestic-partner benefits, then I'll be open about it. Otherwise, it has NOTHING to do with my job or how good I am at iut. Because I don't believe in lying, if I have GF or if I'm persuing one, I have reason to tell my IMMEDIATE family. So they won't be shocked when I coem out and introduce them to 'her'. Otherwise, it's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. Because my son goes to a Christian school, it would do more harm than good to come out so I see no reason too. Strange thing is, i get more h atred from the LGBT community than I do Christians. Youd' think of all people, LGBTs would know better. Wouldn't yuou?




  1. Well I don't "tell" anyone about it unless I need to either.

    If someone needs to know, then I tell them. If someone asks, then I tell them. I'm not going to walk up to someone and tell them I'm g*y. Much like, a straight person would look wierd walking up to someone and tell them that they're straight. Yet, if someone asks them if they're straight then they're going to say yes.

    My boyfriend and I don't even hold hands in public anymore. We've been so prosecuted for doing that, we don't even feel comfortable about doing it in public. When we're out and about we refer to each other as "best friends". If someone asks if we are g*y, we tell them.

    Why do we tell them you ask? Because if someone asks what our sexual orientation is, that means they WANT us to tell them, and so when we do and there is a problem, guess what? The problem isn't ours!

    So unless we're asked, or unless it is necessary we don't tell anyone we're g*y.  

  2. I dont understand it either.  But the LGBT are "haters".  And most of it is jealousy and envy.  Most people want what you have, want to be like you, or just love the drama!

  3. i don't understand ur question... how exactly do u get more hatred from LGBT?  

  4. I agree with your philosophy about your right to disclose or not disclose your sexuality.  But I don't understand it when you say that you get more hatred from the LGBT community than you do from Christians.  Could you give us some examples please?

  5. I don't know why you are getting hate, I mean the caps part is a little annoying I wont lie about that.

    But I don't see why people think you need to tell everyone your g*y, if you are comfortable with who you are, and you are out to who you want to be out too, then it is noone's business.

    I don't tell anyone at work Im g*y, because like you said it has nothing to do with who I am as an employee.

  6. Actually, most g*y people I know, including myself, are like you.

    Being g*y is just one part of who I am, and there is no need to constantly discuss it with every person I meet. If an appropriate context comes up to talk about it, I certainly won't deny it.

    I think the behaviour you are seeing happens mostly in younger people first coming out. They go through a period of struggle and defensiveness, so they feel the need to prove to anyone and everyone how proud they are to be g*y. Once you are out a while, it is no longer such a big deal.

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