
I traced my family back to the early 1900's....?

by  |  earlier

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but after that its pretty much impossible. Is there anyway I can find slave records from texas? I have an ancestry. com account but its not much help.




  1. Never say never. As I'm sure you are aware slaves were treated as property and were documented for tax purposes and in wills and other documents. There are also several African American sites on the web that might offer other suggestions.

  2. errrrrrrrrr faithless ... how is this S**t???

    This person has a valid question ... you and I might find that we don't have the difficulty tracing our tree as she does .. and why should she NOT have the same interest as what we may have....

    even with a convict ( i'm an aussie ) in my family tree .. I have access to records of my family's travels... I have been lucky enough to find information dating back to 1681....

    I'm sorry that I can not help in answering this question... I really wish you well. It may be possible for you to trace any white ancestors (that you may have)...and while I know that they may not be all good branches .. I hope that you will find something of interest.

    EDIT to faithless... I just checked out the other questions this person has asked .. and there is absolutely nothing to indicate that she is lodging a protest re race issues ... she is just wanting to trace her family... MAYBE NEXT time you should check out other questions asked before you judge so harshly

  3. This looks like something where you'll need human interaction to get more information what you need. Try historians and museum owners - they may lead you in the right direction that will open new doors.

  4. That Sh*t happened 180 years ago....FU*KING DROP IT!!  In general the african community is still offended greatly TODAY over this...I've never met another human being who is 180 years old.  None of us (you nor I) were there and there is nothing we can do about this.  DROP the HATRED Please!

  5. Your problem is not that ancestry does not have records... it has census records, and other records that concern Texas. Your family *should* be in the 1870, 1880 census.

    The other trick is that you CANNOT rely on the internet alone. It is extremely rare that any website has such things as wills or probate files, so forth.  These are places where you might find family.

    Sorry about the idiot who has no clue as to what you are doing.

    I am  in Texas.. if you would like to email me who your ancestors were, where they were in 1900, I may be able to help.

  6. Try You type in the last name you are looking for, and they have  sections called "Slave Narratives";  African American Genealogy Records by State

    ( Texas is listed), African American Cemetery Records (Texas is listed), Rough Riders (many of these units were filled with ex-slaves);  Family Tree Search ; Cemetery Transcriptions Database; Surnames, etc. They can give you as few as 3 listings for the name up to 5,000--depending on their records.

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