
I train in a gi so i decided that i am going to wear a gi everywhere i go so i will be prepared to take someon

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e out if need be. does anyone else do this?




  1. Okay, where does this stupid concept comes from? The gi is just a uniform. Just like a fireman, policeman, or military personnel wheres a uniform. If you don't have on the uniform it doesn't stop you from being who you are. Once a marine always a marine. Your training makes you who you are.

  2. ridiculous.

    i was always taught it is disrespectful to wear your gi outside of class, or when you're not practicing the art. you shouldn't need to rely on a gi to "take someone out" (not that, that should be a goal of yours anyway)

    seriously, i too hope you're joking.

    a real martial artist doesn't advertise it. and like was said will probably get you into more fights than just wearing street clothes. the other side of the coin is, if you're in street clothes, noone knows you're a martial artist, and you have that advantage over them. why advertise it?

  3. Billboard, I don't know if you are just a troll or not, but maybe you are just fond of being sarcastic hoping to prove a point. Like waving the red flag in fron tof the bull to get him all angry so it is easier to score your points....

    But let me say, most TMA who train in a gi are not stupid enough to think that what they can do in a gi can be done easily in street clothes. Yes, beginners are often clueless but, hey, they are beginners.

    And yes, there are lots of McDojos that don't think about their art to any depth and so they will believe they can do high kicks etc in street clothes. But, again, these are McDojos and we all agree that they are just useless anyways.

    So, in the end you are trying to insult TMAs who know and train properly. Many, if not most of us, train in street clothes outside the dojo. Look at old pictures and you will see lots of old masters in shorts (and sometimes with t-shirts, sometimes without). So, it isn't just all these new MMA guys that know this stuff.... the old masters knew better a hundred years ago. MMA practitioners are not as wise as they think they are.

    My guess is you have a few years under your belt (oh, sorry you are probably not a TMA, so under your jock strap...just kidding) and think you know better than all the TMA people. Sorry. You can regurgitate all these myths you hear but it makes you no different than the crappy krotty guys who parrot stories of "ki masters" and all that.

    Personally I went thru something similar after 8 years in karate but then I found the art had the answers. As they say, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

    You will probably face less antagonism if you are a little more sincere in your questions. Please consider it...

  4. Well I heard a possible urban myth that public school boys were made to wear boxing gloves to bed ... in case there was burglar(?).  Or there might be another perfectly reasonable explanation for this practise.  Oh and I hope you gi is not white cause then it would be 'murder to keep clean' and I only wear mine for 4 hours a week

  5. I hope that is sarcasm.

    Some schools still train periodically in street clothes. My old TKD school would do that. It separates useful from useless. Ever try and kick somebody in the head while wearing Levi's and sneakers? It affects your flexibility, and pivot foot. So in a self defense situation, you know not to be stupid enough to try it. A strong kick to the knee, however, is easily accomplished. It won't give you a knockout, but you may just get the upper hand.

    So just train in street clothes regularly. A t-shirt will tear more easily than a gi, so you are less likely to get choked with your own clothes. That is, if you are serious.

    Best of luck to you.

  6. Hi there

    Wearing a Gi outside the dojo, Tshirts with martial arts logos or even with a Bruce lee picture on them are all definite no No's.

    I have heared tales of certain individuals that go to a bar after training and keep their Gi's on. Ive also been witness to two rather large black belts doing their shopping in my local supermarket still wearing their gi's.

    Its all rather sad and very foolish if you ask me. And to be honest anyone who really needs to advertise it so much obviously lacks confidence in their ability if they have to put it on display.

    There are some very silly people out there! But the really sad thing is some of them are black belts who should really know better!

    Best wishes


  7. do what you gotta do. just don't be pissed if someone chokes you out using your own gi.

    the alternative would be to practice outside the dojo in plain clothes.

  8. Martial  artists who wear their uniform everywhere don't have any respect for their art or self. If you fit the bill then by all means go ahead but you will be misrepresenting the martial arts and yourself as a serious student of the martial arts.

    I respect my uniform and belt like religious people respect their religion's articles.

  9. Report the troll.

  10. You'll probably have to do a lot of fighting then cause every one is gonna be making wise cracks. That sounds pretty funny


  12. so..your gonna take your gi on the mall,the streets,the bathroom,and other public places?

    well if thats the way u want then do it no one's gonna stop you

    (sarcasm intended)

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