
I tried making a psi ball and my foot got cold?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i went to this site to learn how to make a psi ball well im wanted to make a cold 1 so i imagined a iceberg and then i tried to visualize a coldness as soon as i started my right foot got REALY cold, did i do it right?




  1. Dunno, you could go to the Psionic Olympics...

  2. i got the same feeling, weird but true.. after i finished the last bud i totally fealt normal again..

  3. When I read your question, I felt cold!

    But, like your experience, it was only the power of suggestion. As far as we can tell, there is no such thing as "psi balls", and nobody has ever demonstrated one or shown that such a phenomenon exists.

  4. yeah you are doing it right,here are some tips;

    You chose what your energy looks like. Some people visualize it as a green fog, other as blue electricity or red lava. The best thing is to chose the first thing that comes in mind when you think about energy

    This is a ball of energy, and you are in control of it. It has no mind of its own, and it answers to you only

    Making a psiball visible takes practice and a lot of energy. Focus on feeling it instead. Don't worry if you can't make one visible if someone asks you to prove it exists. That always happens for some "mysterious" reason.

    Don't force the energy. This can result in a serious headache. Let it flow.

    If you feel a temperature change, cover a thermometer with a psiball to verify it's not just all in your head

  5. Unless you used a thermometer to measure your foot, you are not qualified to state that it change temperature.

    Human perception of temperature is incredibly unreliable.  Clearly you were open to suggestion, and perceived what you wanted to perceive.

  6. Interesting... never seen it done. Good luck.

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