
I tried one small line of coke and have a drug hair test. One line seriously, will I pass the test?

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I am a big guy and workout, not like it matters. I need to know if i will pass.




  1. A great way to get rid of anything in your system is to buy from I have used them in the past and the service is awesome. Family run operation that understands how you feel and how much privacy is a concern. Fantastic place, I can't say enough about it! They have home drug test kits too and they can ship overnight too!

  2. Depends on when the drug was administered, rate of hair growth, and the detection limits on the test.

    Try some of those special shampoos if you're concerned.  Couldn't hurt to shave your entire body or start chemotherapy..

  3. I'm being very serious when I say this to you. No matter if you have your own words " one small line of coke" Drugs are drugs and I'm sure that I will shoe up in a drug test. No matter how big small you are.

  4. just don't do coke. drugs are bad... m'kay

  5. i promis you will pass im a lab tech the cut off level makes room for this stuff you have to repeat the use to make a marker in the hair.

  6. it shouldn't show up and if it does then if will show that you had a very very minor amount in you because hair test are not yes or no answers.

  7. Well, how long ago? It WILL show up and there is nothing you can do about it but admit it. DON"T DO DRUGS AGAIN.  

  8. I had a hair follicle drug test for a job and looked into the process thoroughly. I had smoked pot about 2-3 times two months before the test and passed. The general rule, it seems, is that you have to have taken the drug three times or more in a month. The test is meant to catch regular users of the drug, not people who took one drag of a joint. I would guess that will not show up, but I could be wrong. Severely damaged hair does affect the outcome of the test. If you're seriously concerned you could try bleach. The test goes back about 3 months, depending on how fast your hair grows. The testing company will take 1.5 inches of your hair, or whatever hair you have that is that length. Don't try shaving your head, they'll look elsewhere. Also, high metabolism also affects the test, so if you workout quite a bit that could help. Good luck!  

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