
I tried several times to be a vegetarian but I stopped every time?

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Is there any way you can get me to go back?




  1. Maybe it's because you aren't getting enough variety in your diet which makes you want to stop and go back to what you were eating before. I say try to be creative when you cook  by looking at cookbooks or websites like or look for new veg friendly restaurants in your town.

  2. I've been known to browse the Veg category....and ask questions there out of curiosity.....

    Most  advise to slowly 'wing yourself' from meat instead of going 'cold turkey'....

    I tried it for about a month.....just didn't work for me....I feel that if you crave something like a certain type of food then it's your body's way of trying to tell you there is something there in that type of food that your body needs.....

    Asking the advice of the V's is the way to go!....I myself am a hunter by would not hurt my feelings to hunt for my own would be the preferred way for me to long as I could share it with others as to not waste anything!...(No offense to the V's...this is just my thoughts....besides if I did have to rely on hunting for my own food, I seriously doubt that I would do it very often!    :)

  3. LOL hahaha :) i won't do nothing to help you ;) you are the one that decides if you don't feel comfortable being vegetarian then i don't think that's for you... everybody is different and everybody is eating organisms with life also vegetarian people...

  4. Personally, when I stopped eating meat, I physically felt a lot better. For me, digesting a vegetarian meal (barring really rich sauces and heavy cheese) is much more pleasant than digesting a meal with meats (especially red meat). Once I did go completely no-meat I needed to find substitutes for meat in my cooking (mostly beans and tofu with extra veggies). In addition to this, I started really looking at labels to determine vitamins, protein, etc. and consequently, the actual ingredients  (it still amazes me how much artificial c**p I would eat without really thinking about it). My diet has improved, and physically I feel a million times better. It was relatively easy for me to switch to no-meat because I really never liked meat that much anyways- especially cooking it.

    I have no objections to the eating of meat, or farming, or whatever moral reasons some people give for vegetarianism. I just got sick of eating meat, and actually felt hypocritical because I know I could never kill another animal (which I guess is a moral reason)....

    Although I'm not completely vegetarian- I use chicken broth in certain recipes : )

  5. Would this work?

  6. This may not be the best answer, but i'll try.

    Just think of when your eatting meat, think of all the suffering animals that die to support us with meat.

    Here, read this source.

    Hope this helps you!


  7. Can you live without eating meat? You felt like having a Hamburger...Now what? the taste is gone, the meat is out of your system and you just killed a cow.

    That  worked on me for the first 3 months of being a's been 5 years

  8. Not to insult you, but vegetarianism/veganism takes commitment, and it seems like you aren't committed enough.

  9. Hi Dot :)

    This site has some tips on how to become a Vegetarian

    Reasons to become a Vegetarian

    If you don't like a lot of fruits and vegetables then maybe becoming a vegetarian isn't right for you. Sometimes it can be very unhealthy for some people (if they dont like a lot of foods that is)

    You could go to a nearby supermarket and buy MorningStar products which sell Boca burgers, meatless nuggets, meatless bacon, etc.

    Think of the animals they have to kill just to make the meat.

    Here are some Vegetarian Recipes

  10. watch this!

  11. well just think about the reasons you want to be a vegetarian, if you dont have a reason then carry on eating meat -  simple

  12. We can't even look you in the eye, how can we watch over your shoulder and wag our fingers when you make a booboo.

    If you need more convincing, this is the most you'll ever get:

    If that doesn't stop you from eating meat, nothing else can influence your actions.

  13. The only one that can make you go back to being a vegetarian is yourself. You need to have the commitment and drive to stick with it, and that commitment/drive is directly tied to the reasons that you became vegetarian in the first place.

    Your reasons are yours and yours alone, so no one can tell you what you need to hear. For example, if your reasons are for health, than someone can talk about animal cruelty until they are blue in the face and it won't do a thing.

    I think you need to have a bit of inner dialog with yourself and figure out why you want to be a vegetarian and what in the past has caused you to stop.

    I remember the first time I went vegetarian, it lasted about 1 day before I quit. There was a few reasons that I had trouble the first time. I had jumped into it, one morning I decided to stop eating meat, this left me with nothing to eat that day b/c I had not gone shopping, I had not found any recipes to make, etc. That day was difficult b/c I thought there was nothing to eat as a vegetarian, when in fact I just was not knowledgeable on what to eat. I was so used to picking up McDonalds, or throwing chicken nuggets in the micro, that the change to cooking real food and following actual recipes was hard. About three weeks later I decided to try again, this time I had done some research, bought/borrowed cook books, etc and I have not looked back since. I do not miss meat, b/c there are so many other great options to choose from. I don't live off of pasta and salad, so I don't get bored with my meals.

    You may find it helpful to write a list of the reasons you have chosen to become vegetarian, it may help you remember what you want. Also, make a list of what has caused you to quit in the past, next to this list, try and write ways to keep you focused or solve the issues you have had with staying commited.

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