
I tried starting my boat engine this morning and all i got was a clicking noise from starter or solanoide?

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could the clicking noise be a flat battery




  1. you do not give proper info on what boat/motor/sterndrive you have. but in general if you hear a solenoid click you have a voltage or mechanical problem. all boaters should have one of the small hand held battery voltage/condition testers. they are cheap and can diagnose a multitude of problems!!. you should first check your battery voltage/condition. then do you have a 1,2,or three solenoid system? if you have a simple 1 solenoid system have some one turn the key and use a tester on the STARTER side of the solenoid and see what you have . then compare this with the reading you get on the battery side(key not in start mode) if no output on starter side but good batt side solenoid is probably bad. you can then disconect cable at starter(unhook battery to prevent sparks) have some one turn key if good voltage?amps here then starter is probably faulty.some boats have SLAVE solenoids that control batt voltage to a starter solenoid you need to know what type system you have give more info and ask back. ps if you are sure the solenoid is clicking FEEL it it will thump, then all of your safety switches and key switch should be ok.  TO THE PEOPLE WHO SAY TAP ON STARTER DO NOT!!! most new starters have small ceramic magnets in them they BREAK very easy even slight tap can do it. if you dont know what is wrong why spend from 1-three hundred dollars to replace a starter because you beat on it. I rebuilt starters for years (sold new ones too) and you would not believe how many starters were not bad at all the person who "tapped" on it wrecked it!  NEVER NEVER use a s***w driver to short accros a solenoid several things can happen from explosion in a bilge to damageing sensitive electrical components.(todays ems systems are exttremely sensitive) even older systems can be hurt again why spend hundreds of dollars because you did something you dont know anything about

  2. when was the engine last used ?if some time ago,the battery could be flat,which is more than need to get the starter and solanoide checked .

    try tapping the starter while trying to start it.this will loosen the the startr if its corroded.Dont go out to sea with out having the engine serviced .

    good luck

  3. try banging the starter with a hammer it sounds like the bendix is stuck in the starter motor

  4. Sounds like a flat battery to me,,

    No enough power....

    Check that the conections are all good and charge the battery

  5. Charge your battery.

  6. sounds like the battery isn't flat it sounds like the solenoid's clicking on so could be your starter motor thats bust

    take it easy

  7. place screwdriver across starter motor electrodes if it does not kick in then you need a new one

  8. One of two things...

    Low Battery or

    Loose connection at the Battery.

    No biggie!

  9. First check the battery.  Charge it.  If that doesn't cure the problem, next check the starter solenoid, if its good, then the starter is bad and needs repair.

  10. fist thing i would do is check the battery for power,

    if its ok then tap the selonoind with a hammer to loosen it, this should free it up, if so then when you get time remove the starter strip it down and oil it up, otherwise you will get stuck properly one day, good luck.

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