
I tried to Fix my xbox 360 with rrod, i might have broken it?

by Guest65287  |  earlier

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I first did everything needed to fix the rrod and when i plugged it in, everything was going to plan, after a couple of minutes 2 red rings remained, but the heat sinks werent heating up. I tightened the screws and then i turned it on again, but it wouldnt turn on

is there amount of pressure needed for the cpu to work or??




  1. I have rescued many XB360's from the dreaded grasp of the RROD. Now I take you have applied the X-Clamp method where you replace the rather cheap & tacky X-Clamps and replaced them with 8 machine screws??

    To kinda burst your bubble, you didn't get it right the first time as you state you still had 2 red rings. If you have applied the method properly you shouldnt have had any... just the usual green start-up lights.

    I recommend you start again. Take out the screws, take off the heaksinks, take out the motherboard and rescue the washers and reapply. Also if you guide didn't cover it, buy some thermal paste (preferably Artic Silver or a silver based thermal paste, and apply to both the CPU & GPU chips removing the old gunk with some Thermal Paste Remover) When tighten the screws, start with one and turn it a few times then move onto the next and the next etc. putting the same amount of pressure each time until you see that the Heatsinks are touching the chips to make sure of clean contact. DO NOT have them too tight or you will find that the console will boot but then freeze or you will break the motherboard. Unfortunately you cant have them too loose either or you will still get the 3 rings... its pretty much hit or miss with a home repair.

    One thing you can try tho is to put a metal washer or two on each of the screws before putting the heat sinks on to make the heatsink when settled the same level as the top of the chip.

    Hope that helps, if not then send me an email (IT.Guy@Sky.Com) and i will forward you a few guides that helped me.

  2. do you have a warrenty let microsoft repair it.

    if you dont you have to buy a new one.

    just get a ps3 its way better.

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