
I tried to bathe my hermit crab, i put it in water from a brand called aquapod and it stopped moving

by  |  earlier

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it froze and now its not moving




  1. Maybe its dead?

  2. Um, well, It's kinda dead, hermet crabs can only take spraybottles. I'm sorry.

  3. weather it's a land hermit crab or a water one. don't give it a bath because you'll probably kill it. which i think you did.

    sorry :(

  4. its not dead give it time. did you de chloranized the water? i suggest using de chloranized water in a mister (spray bottle) it helps moisture the gills and it makes the crab active.

  5. .. It most likely died from chlorine poisoning.

    Either that, or there were some chemicals harmful to crustaceans in the water.

    Put the crab back in CLEAN, DE-CHLORINATED water, and see if it revives.

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