
I tried to download a movie from limewire but it turned out to be p**n!! and now i am unable to delete it!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i viewed the file before i fully downloaded and saw that it was p**n!! so i stooped it but the trouble is that when i go to the incomplete file in shared documents i am unable to delete it!! i right mouse click but there is no delete tab only sent to and cut/copy.

even when i drag it to the trash can it wont work.

even when i select view it wont play but it says that the file size is 17MB,

the thing that i am most worried about is that my parents finding that file and getting mad, they have warned me once already.

what i want to know is how to get rid of that file because i also believe it is a virus.

i have learned my lesson and that is not to use limewire but to get an itunes account.

Help! i need somebody, Help! not just anybody, Help! you know i need some one..... HEEElllp!





    Download and install that, it's remarkably simple to use and allows you to delete files that the system wont let you manage.

    There's no need to worry over much. Sometimes programs dont close their file handles.

    Basically if limewire left it's filehandle open then it still thinks you're going to finish the download. Limewire does this because it's coded in Java and the Java VM is very strange in the way it handles files, there's no automatic release handle mechanism in the java interpreters.

    Especially if the program crashes. If you have a stubborn file just use unlocker to get rid of it.

    Alternately open limewire and look for an option that will delete the unfinished download and remove the file from your system.

    It would also be a good idea to scan for viruses and spyware/malware as well. You have to be careful about limewire, most people nowadays spam it with p**n as well as virii and malware :<

  2. when its does it to me i turn my computer off and back on and delete it if that does not work uninstall everything

  3. What a pickle. I think you are infected, but first you want to delete that file. Try Start->Run then type cmd. That puts you into dos mode.

    Now try navigating to the file using dos commands and delete it from their. You can see if the file is protected using the attrib command. Then just try deleting it. If that does'nt work you might have to boot up in safe mode to do it. I hope you know dos commands. If not you might have to google them. Good luck.

  4. Eek Awkard, If you have a virus checker programme run it or reset your computer and try to delete it again. If that doesnt work then go to control panel>add remove programs and try and delete the file! Also the file might be in use so close it before you delete it? I dont know anyway good luck I guess??

  5. Let limewire finish downloading it, then delete it.  (Delete, not drag to trash.)  Then delete limewire.  All you're going to get is p**n, bad files and viruses.  There's very little good stuff out there in torrent-land.

  6. restart, then delete it.


  8. Well, since you've confided that you've learned your lesson, I'll be glad to help you out in this matter.

    Although, I've never tried using LimeWire myself, I can, safely, presume that its another file sharing program. You can try doing following:

    1) As you've mentioned that you've already tried deleting the normal way, I'll suggest you to go to command prompt[ for that, click on Start-> then click on Run-> then type in the space "cmd" and hit Enter or Return key on the keyboard]. Once you're in command mode, navigate to the directory where the file is stored. Now type in the following command, replacing the <file name> with the file you want to delete:

    del <file name> [hit Enter or Return key]

    (On case, you're a novice, here is a link to learn some basic commands of MS-DOS:

    2)If the above said method doesn't reap any rewards for you, then I guess you can try the cheapest way first before proceeding to the next solution. Change the file name, in question. And now try, first, deleting it the normal way, and if that doesn't work, then the above mentioned way.

    3) Now, if you've still not got rid of that nasty little file with the help of  above stated solutions, then the file most probably is in use with another process. For this you've to download a small freeware program that will ease your problem a lot, from following URL:

    Just follow its instructions properly to unlock your file and then it will delete it for you.

    Hopefully, you'll be able to get rid of the obnoxious file before it impacts a greater trouble for you :-)

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