
I tried to start my car and all I was getting was a clicking sound.....

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I tried jumping the car and it started right up. I drove it around for about 20 min and then parked the car again. Unfortunately this put me back to square one again. I would hear a clicking but it wouldn't start.

If it matters I have an 02 Chevy Cavilier.

Any ideas as to what the issue is? Could I just need a new battery? Could it be the alternator? I figure it can't be the starter as I did get it to run after jumping it.

Thanks for your help!




  1. I would check to make sure the cable ends are tight. If they are tight it would be a bad alternator.

  2. Jump the vehicle again and drive it to Autozone there they have a machine that they can check your alternator, battery, and starter.  This will hopefully pinpoint the problem.  But also check your wires sometimes a loose connection can give you problems.    Good luck !!!

  3. could be the battery have the battery checked at local parts store.

  4. Have someone from autozone check if alternator is charging.  GM products have a lot of alternator problems.  

  5. Check the battery connections . jump the car. remove the neg battery cable if car still run then shut of and get new battery. if it dies then you need an alternator.

  6. Either your battery has gone bad, or the alternator is bad and not charging the battery.  Perhaps the belt is broken, and as a result the battery is not charging.

  7. Been there before....its not the battery...alternator.

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