
I try grow flex but i havent seen any results......wat i do??

by  |  earlier

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i try it for a couple of months but i havnt seen any result should i try it for a couples of months ....more????need help




  1. yes keep going

  2. heres what cha do.

    go to the store, buy some plant fertilizer,

    go home, sprinkle it all over your p***s.

    put tinfoil on it,

    then water your d**k twice a day

    it should go in a matter of weeks.

  3. you should drill a hole through your p***s and fill it with jelly is what you should do

  4. okay, I've tried grow flex too( height product),, I tried it for 1 month and an half, it didn't work for me.   but I had this feeling inside my bones, it felt like it was growing. but i haven't not grown i think it doesn't work...

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