
I turned 16 this year and have a boyfriend that wants to have s*x....?

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I want to as well but I don't know if this is my time. Can you tell me if you think it's my time?




  1. if you have to ask that question the answer is no, at least wait to you are 18 and smarter on the subject, its your life, your heart, you gotta protect it

  2. No No please

    it's not your time

    and that not healthy for u it's will destroy all veirgin profiles of u

    this is an advice

  3. dont do it....

    just wait....

    you will know when its time....

    be patient... have fun now... some say s*x can complicate a relationship at young ages... i was 16 when i lost my virginity and i dont regret it but i wasnt fully ready... im 18 now.... but just go with the flow... you will know

  4. No you should wait until your older... don't forget that you could become pregnant...

  5. Hi,

    This is a very sensitive time in your life physically and emotionally.  I strongly urge you to wait.  Most boys of this age will leave you once they get what they want. There are monstrous repercussions from having s*x to early. You can contract a virus or bacterial infection. You could become pregnant. Either of you could become actually addicted to s*x. You can have emotional scars to last a lifetime. s*x is truly not the most important part of a relationship. Your decision to abstain from s*x should be respected. Don't allow anyone to pressure you into it. You are far more precious than a temporary thrill. Enjoy all the thrills of youth and save the serious stuff for marriage.

    I hope you find this advice helpful.

  6. only YOU know if this is your time! If you feel 110% comfortable with this guy and he treats you like gold and you really feel; ready then go for it. Id suggest waiting though you probally will regret it.

  7. I think you should  wait and

    your married to have s*x.

  8. Only you will know when it's time. No one can make that decision for you, since you are even asking, I don't think it is. I understand that at sixteen years old you both want to, but just because the hormone demons were set free by the puberty devil doesn't mean your ready. The body is ready far before the mind is. s*x isn't just physical, it doesn't end after the five minutes of fun. Also, personally I think you are a bit too young. You have your whole life for that stuff. Remember you don't have to have s*x to keep a boyfriend, a real man will wait. Good luck.


  9. Only you know when its your time .. So you ask your self the question and if your not really and you tell him that if he trully loves you he will wait for you  

  10. NO, Your body is ready if you are the average young woman.  Is your heart?  Are you ready to be a mother?  Please look at the links below.  You will make your own choice about it but, look at the potential downside.  Nothing except abstinance prevents babies or abortion.


    * Some 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all U.S. births are to teenage women.

    Teen pregnancy is one of the most critical issues facing America today. The explosion of out-of-wedlock teen births is a crisis that threatens to undermine our nation. Each year, one million American teenagers become pregnant. 175,000 give birth to their first child. As a result, the United States now has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the Western World.

    The costs of teen pregnancy are staggering. Teen mothers are less likely to complete high school, less likely to get married, and more likely to go on welfare than their peers. And the odds are stacked against the children of teen parents from the minute they are born. Their health is poorer, their cognitive development is slower, and their behavioral problems are worse than their peers. Teen pregnancy robs teens of their childhood and their futures as productive adults. It also robs their children, and their children's children.

    The teen pregnancy crisis costs taxpayers an estimated $6.9 billion in lost tax revenues and increased spending on public assistance, health care, foster care and the criminal justice system. As a nation, we can no longer afford the consequences of teen

    About 4 out of 10 girls in the United States will get pregnant by age 20 - about 1-million of them each year. Most will say they did not use protection because they weren't planning to have s*x. Such life-altering choices must be considered in advance, says the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

  11. It's not. Hun, I don't mean to be mean but once he gets what he wants he's gonna leave. Most guys are like that. You need to wait until you are married. Just remember that you can get AIDS & HIV & HPV & lots of other things including getting prgnant & being a teen parent if you have s*x now. I'm sure you have a plan for your life, having a baby will change all your plans. The pill isn't 100% safe & neither is a condom or anything else except abstanice. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't rush this. & if you're bf says either you have s*x or he walks, let him leave. That's a sign that he doesn't love you & all he wants is s*x. Just use your head. I've wanted to have s*x with my bf too but I don't want any of the risks. That's why I got a purity ring. To remind me that I need to wait until I get married. & if you wait till you're married, you know the guy really loves you & you have the satisfaction that you lost your verginity to someone who loves you & wouldn't leave you for the world. I hope this helps. Just remember to stop & think before you do something you will regret later.

  12. It is not your time.  You would regret it.  Honestly, s*x isn't that good until you're married anyway because you can trust so much more and you don't worry about getting pregnant.  Plus if you wait, anticipation only makes it better.

  13. Wait until you are 17 (he can go to jail otherwise, regardless of his age) and then wait until you are really sure with no doubts. If you have to ask, then it isn't "your time".... yet.  

  14. no, because you aren't sure, and are caving to pressure.

    don't do it till you're ready

  15. You already know the reasons not to, like pregnancy and STD's.  Contrary to what the public school system tells you, condoms are VERY unreliable, and they don't feel good for either party, which means that if you start having s*x with the intention of using condoms, you're very likely to end up having it without.

    When  you have s*x, you become very attatched to a person, and it becomes very difficult to be objective when you're looking at them - the way they act, or treat you, or even little annoyances that they do, that you couldn't stand after living with him for a while.  If you start having s*x, it will be much more difficult to break up with him once you realize that it's not working out.

    Having s*x before you're married makes it harder to give yourself completely to your husband.   It will lead to marital problems in the future.

    One last thing.  If you had a 16 year old, would it be okay for him or her to have s*x, or would you want them to be married?  This is a huge way that you can make sure that your life is better in the future.

    Please think about it.

  16. If you feel like you have to ask, then my advice is for you to wait. s*x is probably the best and most satisfying experience in the world, but only with the right person and at the right moment. There's nothing like being with the man that you love and loves you back; a guy that's not willing to wait doesn't really sound like the kind of guy that's worth sharing such a special moment. Go to and and read about it, and ask yourself if that's what you really want at this point of your life. I started when I was almost 16, all my friends had already done it, plus I was madly in love. If I could turn back time I would have probably waited longer, but it is a very personal choice: just remember that if he pressures you he might be worth it. Don't think he'll cheat on you or dump you if you don't have s*x right know... and if he does he would have very like done either way.

    Good Luck! And remember to get protection because s*x is hot, but having a baby when you're still so young is not!

  17. if you want to lose your virginity to this guy then do it-it's your body and no one can tell you what to do with it. Just think, if you break up afterwards will you be disappointed in yourself? Don't do it just to make him happy or bc you wanna be cool, do it because you've decided that you want to and you won't be angry or embarrassed later. I'm 21 and I had s*x for the first time when I was just turning 15-absolutely no regrets and that's how it should be! If you do go for it, remember it's gonna hurt a bit and BE SAFE!

  18. Well, I am 16 and I am not trying to give you bad advice, but, I had s*x for the first time abput 2 months ago. At first I was scared and I didn't know what to think. But my boyfriend told me that it will make me more mature (which I didn't believe). I knew that he wanted to have s*x very badly. The thing is, I wanted it too. Eventhough I knew that I was too young, I went through with it. And it was great!!!. At first it hurt, but after a while, it started feeling really good. It's like a pressure releaser.

    If you do decide to, the first thing you need to do is get him to give you oral first. That will prep you. And please enjoy...if you think you are ready...

    But follow your first mind...Don't do it if you don't feel it...

    Good Luck!!!

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