
I turned him on but he was he too shy to make a move?

by  |  earlier

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A petite (not too skinny, has a body - curves and an ***) girl w. her hair done in waves and curls. She's in your room hanging out watching dvds w. you and she complains she's hot. She's playful and cute but knows how to be serious yet witty. She goes through your closet and says she's gonna steal a shirt and doesn't care what you say. she takes the white collar button down shirt and just wears that w. her black push up bra slightly showing - no pants. Just YOUR shirt (w. a few buttons), no shorts w. her bra and underwear and the shirt is long enough to cover her butt.

AFTERWARDS, he held me closer and wrapped our legs around each other.. he tickled me more and i wanted him to "stop" so i kissed him on the cheek about 3x playfully and he smiled but didn't do anything after...

What do you think?

And if you're a SHY GUY, how would you feel?




  1. Obviously you are the aggressor so you have to initiate whatever it is you want to do. After you initiate a few times he will start feeling comfortable with it and start initiating too.

  2. I use to be shy like that, i just wasent ready until i was like 20 but in this case, just a case of shyness no worries.

  3. If he had his first kiss at 22 than that means he still a virgin. He probably built s*x up so much in his head that it makes him too nervous to act. If you really want to have s*x with him, you might just have to initiate it yourself.

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