
I twisted my ankle but my mom doesn't believe me?

by  |  earlier

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I twisted it when I went to roll over on the floor when I was watching my t.v. and it hit something behind me and didn't' turn with the rest of my body. It wasn't to bad after I iced it. That was like a month ago and she didn't believe me. It hurts a ton when I am walking on it to long, and when I am skateboarding because of some of the positions I put it in. When I was skateboarding today I started to feel the pain until I had to stop because it was bothering me so much. I am icing it now, but my mom wants me to run track this upcoming school year and I'm not sure what to do?! Help!?




  1. what is wrong with your mom?i got a bone spur in my foot from being rammed with a shopping cart!she needs to take you to an e.r before serious injury occurs.

  2. just dnt do it lol

  3. First of all STOP skateboarding. If you think you have a twisted ankle then skateboarding is not a good idea. Try and get it checked out by somebody who can help and won't ignore you like your mom. By the time track season gets here your ankle should be healed.

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