
I under pressure i need help!!!?

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Well my family wants me to play volleyball and im not really that good and dont know anything about the sport but im tall and i can kinda jump high i have no idea on anything at all on the sport and the coach today came today and said i should try out and my friend is playing so i dont know what to do and i dont want to make a fool out of myself




  1. my friend that i played with went through the same thing it was kind of a family deal to play volleyball but she did it and she wasn't that bad and became one of our best servers. you don't know until you try it you could like it in the end and be good at it. tall people are also used in volleyball and come at an advantage to blocking and serving. you could also just tell your family that you don't want to because you wouldn't know what you're doing but you make a lot of life long friends through sports like that

  2. Just try it. If you think you're going to be a real embarrassment, take tryouts somewhere where your friends don't usually go. Then if you get the courage (which you should) go on and play with your friends.

  3. try out. i love volleyball. i think its the best sport ever.

    the first time i tried out i winged it. i knew nothing about volleyball i just did my best and eventually it caught on. i made maneger(not something im totally proud of)but i didnt know anything so thats really good. just try your best and have fun, u mite end up liking it. worst thing that can happen is u dont make the u wont make a fool of your self, think of all the other ppl that r to scared to try out, atleast u had guts enough too.

  4. Volleyball is really a fun sport. When you serve the ball use your fist and shoot it across the net, when the ball comes on your side you jump to hit the ball with both hands to the other side of the net. Simple sport like tennis.

  5. If you are not interested at all, don't try out. Someone else will gladly take that spot on the team if you don't want it. If you want to give it a try, go for it. Don't do it for someone else though. Do it because you actually want to, and who knows, you might really love it.

  6. might as well go to the try outs. the skills can be practiced and learnt but you cant learn how to be tall! who knows you mught really like it...i think its the best sport ever haha. besides it gets boring odoing things your really good at all the time so the challenge might be a nice change.

  7. Don't worry two years ago I tried out and at first I thought it would be easy but it wasnt but you will be surprised at how quickly you learn how to play. Just be willing to get better and you will.

  8. Try out, but before u try out, since your tall and can jump high always spike. when you serve dont shake so you can be in full control of the ball. Most of all TAKE YOUR TIME, THERES NO RUSH. So try your best, and  you will improve. TRUST ME!!

  9. don't worrry about making a fool of yourself.  other people believe in you.  you should believe in yourself enough to at least give it a try. that is the only way that we find out what our gifts (strengths) are--by trying.  if you see that you're not good at it, you can always consider this your one shot.  the only way we ever succeed is by failing a few times.  i have a feeling that you are a high achieving person who has a family that expects a lot from you.  take a deep inhale, give it a try, and reserve the right to not play if you are too uncomfortable with the you can exhale..relax and don't be so hard on yourself.

  10. well.. if you REALLY don't want to do it, you don't have to. i guess your family just thinks you'll be good at it because you're tall and the rest of the skills will come along. explain to your family that you want to try something else because you will put all your effort into doing something you love instead of doing something you're not interested in.

    you should at least give it a try though. i'm assuming that you've never played, so at least go to tryouts and see what volleyball is all about. you might be surprised to find that you wind up loving the sport.

    and don't worry, everyone makes a fool out of themselves during volleyball, so it's not that big of a deal. i've gotten hit in the face a lot with a ball, tripped over nothing, fell, etc. but it's all good. just laugh at yourself and you won't think of it as a big deal. if you're really worried, ask your friend who plays for some pointers and maybe she/he could help!

    have fun! :]

  11. Practice everyday and go to that tryout! what's the worst that could happen! if you work  hard you'll get a lot out of it and love it! have fun and the best of luck to you!

  12. Just go. Volleyball is one of those games that you can pick up the basics really easily, so you won't look like a fool.

  13. If you think you have nothing to lose if you engage yourself in playing volleyball, then go ahead and try-out.

    3 years ago, i tried out for volleyball in college, I knew nothing about volleyball and the only thing I got was my hops. my height is just about average 6 flat. Last year, I made the team roster and in the same season I made it to the first six rotation and went home with the best blocker plum. Dude, anything is possible, just give it a try and decide afterwards.

  14. If you don't want to try out then don't.  It is up to you and not all of them.  You do what you want.  And if they keep pressuring you to do a sport, go for something you like and are good at.

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