If the United States is purchasing and using less and less oil each day due to the high cost per gallon, using smaller cars, walking, biking, use of mopeds, and public transportation doesn't that mean that our demand for gas has gone down thereby prices should also go down so as to increase our demand?
I understand supply and demand applies to the entire world in regards to oil and gas, however: shouldn't countries such as india and japan and china and Asia be paying more and more since it is their demand which has been rising?
Why isn't the price rising where demand is rising and the price lowering where demand is lowering?
For those who answer that other countries pay more than America for their gas, keep this in mind: they typically have smaller distances to drive, they drive far fewer SUVs, their public transportation is superior to ours, and the higher price of gas affects their way of living far less than it does ours in America.