
I understand that jesus died on the cross for us and then was resurrected, did he then die again?

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if he did die for a second time when did this happen, and why didn't he come back again. many thanks.




  1. No God took him up to heaven and he is coming back but no one knows when.


  3. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the world, resurrected , then ascended into heaven to be with our heavenly Father. Yet, Jesus did not die again, He shall come back for His people upon His next return to earth.

  4. Jesus Christ died "ONCE, and for all."

    There was no need for Him to die AGAIN, as He did it right the FIRST time. :)

  5. You die once and after that it is eternal life.He was considered almost dead when removed from cross but was treated to recover and carry out his unaccommplished agend to unite the lost tribes of Israel.

  6. no he went to heaven he didnt die again

  7. I think it is possible that Jesus appeared to die on the cross and then went back to India and eventually died in Kashmir.

    It can be shown that Yogi's can control the life force and appear to die.

    There is a tomb for "Yesu" in Kashmir which has been guarded as a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of years.

  8. Jesus was resurrected and wasn't bound by a physical body afterward. I'm pretty sure he could go from here to Heaven as he pleased. God bless !

  9. Correction:  You believe it, you don't understand it.

  10. No like all of us only one time did He die and yes He resurrected and ascended into heaven. Because He is God the second person of the Most Holy Trinity. One body, one soul, one try to get it right. And He got it right because He was also Divine. He had 2 natures human and Divine. God bless you.

  11. Mighty good question...


  12. He then went to Heaven and is yet to return :)

  13. no, his physical body fused with is spiritual body

    he became a fully spirit integrated person

    he ascended into heaven both physically and spiritually

    because for him they were not seperate.

  14. i think he went up to heaven to join God...what he wanted to achieve on earth was complete so he had no reason to remain.

    I'm not sure why he hasn't come back again. But i think it's because we've been given free will so God no longer wishes to intervene.  

  15. no he went straight to heaven then. I think.

  16. no he accended into heaven

  17. Nope. He still sits at the right hand of the Father.

  18. he resurrected in to haven and received the right hand orv the father ,             you should start going to church Catholic mass is all ways reading the Gospel    sounds like someone wonts you to go !

  19. I am not sure of the christian idea, however we (I'm a Muslim) believe that Jesus's soul was lifted to heaven before the crucifixion and that the soul of the student who lied and cheated him came instead in his body, so practically i don't believe that Jesus was crucified from the first place,

  20. No my friend He DID NOT die again! He is at the right hand of God, the Bible puts it "Come, sit at my right hand until I have made your enemies your footstool." Yeshua (Jesus) is also now the intermediary between God and man, our High Priest who advocates for us to God on our behalf, making Him remember His one time and for all sacrifice on the cross so that we obtain mercy and forgiveness of our sins and are saved from the fire, until He then returns to set up His kingdom.

  21. He remained on earth for another fifty days, then ascended into Heaven, bypassing a second death. This is the point of the holiday known as Pentecost.

  22. When Jesus Christ died He died a mortal death which was initiated by mortals. But when He resurrected He was no more mortal (so immortal) and so couldn't die again instead He acsended into Heaven which is where He belonged. Death is mortal and so every man who assumes mortality (like us) will definitely die.

  23. No, He ascended into heaven.  He did not die a second time.

  24. No, He ascended to Heaven on a white cloud.

  25. NO! he didn't three days after the resurection he went back to heaven and it was seen by many people.

    ps mayb u should read the bible.

  26. According tot he bible he died, and rose again to sit on the right hand of the father.  he wasn't resurected to mortal life - he was reseurected to spiritual life to be with God.

  27. If he keeps dying and raising from the dead like that he'll get a complex and probably just get really cocky.

  28. He went to heaven, d**n what a cop out, as there is no evidence to support this event. It was all a dream the whole bible..........

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