
I understand that there's a Grandparents Rights law, but...

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I don't want my mother-in-law to have any rights towards my baby. The reason why is not important, but I will say that I do not trust her and feel she would be a threat towards the baby. Is there a way for me to say that she's not allowed in the baby's life legally?




  1. You can take the matter to court. Tell the judge the reason why you do not want this woman near your baby. Also, look into getting an order of protection. Those can happen immediately. Good luck!

  2. The grandparents law is not in every state check to see if it is in yours

    even if it is and you refuse and she takes you to court at worst it could be something like four hours every third saturday

  3. Yes,

    tell the judge she's been violent towards children in the past whether it's true or not. If you have to lie, do it.

  4. Actually, the reason IS important. If you want an honest answer, we should know all the facts. We may be doing the mother-in-law an injustice!  How does your husband feel about this? He has a right to see HIS mother. And what kind of threat are your talking about? Does she drink? Verbally abusive? You know something, whatever the problem is, no matter what you decide to do, she will always be your child's Grandmother!  If there is something that bothers you while in her presence, why not have a talk with her, but, in the back of my mind, I think maybe YOU did something to set all this in motion, and, to get even, you want to deny her the right to see her grandchild. It takes two to tango, so, before you go rushing to Court for a restraining Order, you should take a step back,and think about how this will affect your marriage! Your husband is a big boy, and regardless how YOU feel, he WILL go and see his mom. You may be driving a wedge between you and your husband.

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