
I use a self tanner. How can I wash my face without removing it?

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I use Jergens self tanner. But I'm also a 16-year-old girl who could fit elephants in her pores. ( just kidding of course ) None the less I have acne that requires me to wash my face every morning, noon, and night. I started using this self tanner and my skin has been looking amazing. Except of course on my face. I have been too afraid to wash it. Am I in an impossible situation? Or can I still use the self tanner and still wash my face?




  1. As long as you wait until i is dried, and don't use an exfoliating cream, it will stay on.

    Exfoliating your face will take it off.

    I used Jergens self tanner before and that's what happened to me.

    Cleanser or soap, you are fine.

    Exfoliator... not so much.

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