
I use to be able to astro project very quickly since my back surgury (have metal in my back) i cant. why?

by  |  earlier

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are the screws and pins in my back not allowing me to have an o.b.e.




  1. I don't know but I think metal foreign objects in your body are bad for you in many different ways. Read my question about braces in the link below. Right after I got my braces on I have suffered from clinical depression. Maybe a coincidence maybe not. It is proven that aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease. Do some research on heavy metals and you will find all the different problems they are known to cause.

  2. Well, there is NO question but that such a surgery would significantly change and reroute the flows within your energy field!  

    Additionally, it would have weakened it considerably for an extended period of time during which other entities could have attached themselves to it.

    It would not have occurred to me that these factors could cause the loss of such an ability, but after reading your question and thinking about it, it DOES make sense that either or both of them might be able to do just that.

    I would suggest that you find a book on the "Chakras" (the ports where your body's own energy field and your spiritual energy field intersect).  Find one that has diagrams of how the flows in your energy system SHOULD be routed and meditate often on returning those flows to normal - or as close to it as is possible.

    You might also try accupuncture.  After all, the purpose of that is to reroute one's energy flows.  I don't know if you could find a hypnotherapist in your area who works with these kinds of issues, but if you can, THAT would probably be the optimal solution.

    If none of these options is available, try going to

    Download their free instruction manual and try that.  I hear it is supposed to work when a lot of other things don't.

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