
I used a depilatory on my face...?

by  |  earlier

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back in I think February. It burned my skin pretty badly. It healed after a couple of weeks but I still have this pinkish/red scar near my mouth. Is there anything I can do to fix it? Thanks




  1. for the time being, i'd say use a foundation or concealer.

    but see a doctor asap so that he can prescribe some type of lotion or medication to heal it.

    or you could go to a drug store and get a gel called mederma. it's kind of expensive but it works really well. it's kind of like a peeling. but see a doctor first so that you can make sure that creams you can get at a regular drugstore won't work the wrong way with your skin and the burn.  

  2. I would use a dab of foundation or a make-up that matches your skin to cover it up. I would also visit a dermatologist to see some other products that you can use to best get rid of it.

    good luck

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