
I used a hot iron to iron on a patch, but the wrong side was up, now I have glue on the iron, how do I remove?

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I don't want to dispose of the iron, what a waste of money. Thank you for all your suggestions.




  1. I use Goo-Gone on anything sticky.  I wouldn't use steel wool because

    I'd be afraid it would scratch the surface of the iron, which would

    then snag on knit fabrics.  Just use a rag or paper towel.  Make

    sure to get any excess off before you use the iron again.

  2. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers solve lots of household problems. Try that. I've used them to get rid of lots of gunky, sticky messes. You'll be able to get into the indentions on the iron, too. After you clean it you can iron a piece of waxed paper to make it glide more easily.

  3. be careful with the steel wool I would not use it if the Iron has a non stick surface. I would use goof off or brake cleaner (brake cleaner is quite harmful so follow the direction. don't get it on plastic) either of these will cut the glue and the iron will be good as new  

  4. First let the iron heat and scrape with a putty knife  until you get most of the goo off then use steel wool and a lot of elbow grease.           Put a little paraffine (candle wax) on it and iron some scrap material .It should be fine after wards even though it may be somewhat discolored.

  5. With the iron on, wipe the iron on an old terry cloth rag (like an old piece of toweling) to remove any excess.

    Unplug iron, and when cooled, use steel wool to scrub the surface of the iron.  Use lots of elbow grease, this stuff really adheres to an iron.

    When you get all of it off, wipe the surface clean, and rub the surface of the iron with a piece of waxed paper. (not plastic wrap.)  You want to leave a little bit of waxy surface on the iron, since you have cleaned it so diligently.

    You won't have to replace your iron, but I'll bet you learned a valuable lesson!

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