
I used crest whitestrips and it was white now my teeth are yellow again!!!!?

by Guest59372  |  earlier

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ok this product doesnt work even though everyone says it teeth was white when i was using them which 7 days cuz i got the 7 days my teeth are back to what it used to be..and this says it lasts 12 months yeahh righttttttt. it was such a waste of money cuz it was expensive




  1. even when you get your teeth professionally whitened (I know because I had mine done) which is WAAY more expensive than those strips, you have to keep putting the "stuff" on your teeth or they will not stay as white as they once were.

    I do mine about once a week or every 2 weeks. SO you just need to maybe get them the shade of white you like, and then do a touch up strip or 2 every weekend or 2 weekends.

  2. you should have kept brushing your teeth

    i used some kind and kept brushing my teeth 3 times a day and flossing they stay white

  3. get ur teeth cleaned at the dentist!

  4. same here!

  5. mine are still white.  my pack of whitestrips came with like, a crest whitening toothpaste.  i make sure to brush my teeth morning and night, and chew gum or drink some water after drinking coffee (same would probably apply to soda if you drink it)

  6. the only thing that for sure works is getting your teeth whitened


  7. i think they assume you'll be smart enough to brush your teeth...

  8. well i used them and they worked for a long time!

    i was very happy with them.

    im sure the time varies if you smoke or drink alot of coffee.

  9. your supposed to brush your teeth daily with whitening tooth paste and rinse with whitening mouth wash.

  10. i use mine while i sleep at night, and take them out in the morning. or i end up swallowing them, but i've never had any health issues because of it, haha.

    my teeth are super white and i haven't used them in over a year, and they're still shining. plus i smoke.

    in your case, i would use them for longer and always use a whitening toothpaste. i never followed the directions. and i always used them for longer than it said to.

    keep in mind when using them throughout the night you can develop increased sensitivity throughout your gums and teeth. but it will lessen and disappear in a few days.

  11. They worked for me but made my teeth sensitive..

  12. Do you drink coffee or pop? Or smoke?

    If you do, your teeth can go back to being stained. I use them and I don't drink coffee or pop and they've stayed white...

    If you don't want to give up your caffeine, try using straws in your drinks... as for the smoking... if you do... quit!:)

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