
I used lasik and now i don't see good w/ left eye?

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is this normal is about 6 months ago that i got the lasik on both eyes even though my right eye was worse my left eye is getting weak! no what?




  1. Talk to your eye doctor, or your surgeon. Lasik isn't perfect, just like any other surgical procedure. There may be a touch-up surgery available that will correct this problem, or it may be something you have to live with. Good luck!!

  2. The quality of vision in your left being reduced can be simply some deviation from the treated "prescription" or it could be due to the presence of induced aberrations from the surgical procedure.  You should definitely return to your surgeon to correctly determine where the loss of vision is coming from and furthermore find the proper path to restore good vision.  It is important to get to the root of the problem because you could easily find yourself traveling the "wrong path" to relieve the problems for years before "stumbling" on the correct treatment.  My practice is devoted to the care for the irregular cornea and most of my patients are post-refractive surgical patients (i.e. Lasik, PRK, RK, etc.)  You can read their stories in their own words on my website at  Their stories will probably give you a little better perspective on your considerations.


    Dr. Maller

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