
I used my dads credit card without asking I need HELP plz?

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It was really really dumb, I know so plz dont tell me how dumb it was. What I need to know is how I can fix this!!!!

If I return the stuff will that just take it away? Or does that show up on the bill as a return?


Can I call the credit card company and make a payment?

I just need him not to know. If he does have to know if they cant take it off the bill then what do I do to not make him kill me? I'm so stressed out. PLEASE HELP ME




  1. if you take the stuff back - it will show up on the statement , if you make a payment it will show up , the best thing to do is be honest

    tell him before he finds out , make sure you pay the money back and make him know you know it was stupid and you wont do  it again

  2. I used my sisters oncce, and i got the mail and ripped the charges part off and slipped the pay return part in the envolope and put it with her other bills that needed to paid she never noticed.

    Or, if you call the credit company you have to pay over the phone with a personal check or bank/atm card, and youo would need his ss# and any other secerity feature info his card migght have.

    Good Luck!

  3. You can return the items but regardless every credit card transaction will show up on the monthly statement.

    Admit everything to your dad asap before he receives the statement or views it on-line.

  4. what is even dumber... you comming on yahoo and exposing your illegal act

  5. Just go to your dad and tell him.  Tell him how sorry you are and that you will return the items or pay for them.  Tell him you will never do it again and wanted to tell him rather than he find out himself.  He will be upset but he will appreciate your honesty and the fact that you felt bad about it and eventually did the right thing.  You should not have taken and used it but they must have raised you well for you to realize this and want to do the right thing now.  Good luck and go talk to dad.  Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy.

  6. Get the cash and just drop in casually over dinner 'Oh yeah, I used your credit card to get some things online- here's the money'.

    He'll give you a telling off but he shouldn't be too mad.

  7. tell him that you used his card and that your sorry. Its better that you tell him than him discovering what you did if he is a good father then you will maybe only get scolded but he will know that your a honest person and he will trust you more.

    ~ peace out mehn

  8. ummmm hun dear. Whatever you do every thing will appear in the bank statement. Such as: you took money from it so that will appear too, and then if you put the money back,that also will appear. So one way ro another your dad is going to come to know. The best way is to fess up, and tell him your very sorry, and give the monay back to him personally. He will proud of his honest daughter!

  9. Just tell your dad the truth.You should tell him staight away before the bill shows up in the mail,and then your dad wont freak out as much.You can then work it out with your dad how your going to pay the money back.If you want the iteam then i suggest you pay your dad back or put the money your owe on his credit card and never ever do it again or you could get into serious trouble with the law.

    Dont stress your dad is going to be upset but at least you have the balls to come out and tell him first.

    Dont stress out!

  10. no cannot do any of those things without it showing up on the bill.  You just have to tell him what you did.  Going behind his back and trying to fix it is not going to anything but prove to your Dad you are a liar who can not be trusted.

    You can not call the credit card company either they will not discuss anything with you b/c it is not your account

  11. Wow, you've really got yourself into a pickle here, but I'll tell you from experience, hiding stuff won't resolve the problem; trust me, because if your father finds out you covered it up (even with a honest payment back to his account), he'll be upset, annoyed and lose trust in you completely.

    Make a confession and apologise to your father, he'll be annoyed with you of course, but he'll also trust you at the same time.

    If you have the guts to tell your father what you did, then he'll understand you made an error and wish to correct it, and he'll also know that you know what you did is wrong.

    True, he might kill you, and might not show any of the expressions above, but you must tell him; and also tell him, that you either asked for advice on the matter, and / or felt you were doing the right thing in telling him.

    It'll be hard, ROFL But that's truthfully the best way to go, otherwise you'll have that evil streak feeling in the back of your head against your own father.

    Lol, good luck

  12. You better prepare a good apology because all that will show on the bill.

  13. No matter what you do it will show up on his credit card statement as a charge.  Even if you take the stuff back and have the purchase credited back, that also will show up as a credit.  You are toast no matter what.

    You should have thought about this before you did it.  The only other thing you can do is to ask him now if you can use it, then hope he says yes and then hope he doesn't realize when the statement comes that the charge went on before you asked him.

  14. Your Dad is going to find out. He gets a statement of all charges and returns. So knowing this, the best thing you can do from this point now is to..give him the amount to pay for it, that can show some responsibility on your part. If you dont have the cash, then you had better return the items quickly. The charges will be reversed. But he will still know. But at least he wont end up paying for it. All you can do is make good on the money part, then let him know that you are sorry that you screwed up. If my kids did that to me, I would be mad that they used the card without my knowledge, but would be more forgiving if they could pay for the charges.

  15. you're a senior. you should know by now that actions have consequences. you should've thought about having good wholesome fun, instead of having fun by doing something wrong. think things through next time.

  16. If you have a bank account you should be able to make a payment from it but the payment would show up on the card as well as what you purchased. It is probably best to come clean and hope whatever you bought didn't cost a lot.

    An alternative choice that may work or just make your life even worse would be to "remove" the credit card and hope he assumes it was stolen.... This is probably a less than optimal choice seeing how if this deceit was discovered your life would be h**l for much longer than just your senior year.

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